UT Govt non serious in settling problems of migrants: GKPD

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 13: Global Kashmiri Pandit Diaspora (GKPD) has shown serious concern over the non seriousness shown by the JK UT Government towards the problems of Kashmir Hindus living an exiled life in different parts of country outside J&K.
In a statement issued here, today, GKPD North India coordinator, Kashi Akhoon said that these people have been deprived of all Government schemes including Ayushman Bharat PMJAY Sehat scheme announced few years back by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi for residents of J&K is not being extended to Kashmiri Hindus who have migrated to different parts of the country.
He said when the scheme was announced by PM, the displaced Kashmiri Pandits got a ray of hope but it lost its very purpose by neglecting the deserving migrant community putting up outside J&K as they are not being issued by Ayushman Card but are getting false assurances by none other than Relief Organization for its implementation.
He said many KP community members have lost their lives in absence of treatment and many migrants are forced to sell their belongings to treat the family members suffering from various ailments. There are many widows, orphans and elderly citizens who are being deprived this facility only due to inefficiency of those who are at the helm of affairs, he added.
Akhoon alleged that Kashmir Hindus are deliberately kept outside the purview of election process of J&K for last 33 years. The Government has not taken any serious action to restore the right to vote of community members which is their fundamental right, he added.
He said moreover no deliberations have been held with community representatives in last 33 years to listen the problems of the community and address their grievances.
Akhoon said this shows that Government of India and Government of J&K have forgotten their duty towards the migrant community who are victim of genocide at the hands of Jehadi elements. Moreover KPs have not been paid compensation for the losses which they suffered for the last 33 years by losing their property agriculture and horticulture produce etc.
He said the J&K Government should make reasonable efforts to restore the confidence of the community in the civil administration.