5 challaned in job racket

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 2: Crime Branch (CB) today produced challan against five persons including a woman for cheating several youths on the pretext of providing jobs to them in Police Department.
The challan was produced in the Court of Law against five persons for their involvement in a job racket of Rs 25,95,000 in a case FIR Number 22/2012 under Section 419, 420, 120-B/RPC today.
According to a spokesman of the Crime Branch, a complaint was lodged by Ajit Singh, son of Pritam Singh of Village Sialsui Kalakote, district Rajouri and others wherein the complainants had alleged that three persons namely Nazir Ahmed who introduced himself as Superintendent of Police, posted to PHQ, Jammu, Rattan Lal and Yog Raj residents of Ranjitpura Gole Gujral met him at Anand Nagar, Jammu and assured to provide him a job in Police Department in lieu of money.
They further told him that the Police Headquarters was directly appointing some persons in Police Department and he would also be got adjusted. He was  asked to inform some other willing candidates which he did and on their assurance, the complainants deposited their hard earned money in Bank accounts given by the accused persons and also paid a huge amount to them in cash, the spokesman added.
The spokesman said the account numbers in which the amount was deposited by the complainants were provided by Nazir Ahmed, Rattan Lal and Pinky Devi who conspired among themselves and cheated the complainants of their hard earned money.
He said on receipt of the complaint, an enquiry was initiated and during the course of enquiry it was found that the complainant and other aggrieved persons had deposited a huge amount to the tune of Rs. 25,95,000/- in different Account Nos. provided by the accused persons Nazir Ahmed so called SP and others. The innocent youth after being induced and allured by the accused persons who assured them jobs in Police Department, which were however not provided to them thereby depriving them of their hard earned money, he added.
The spokesman said on the basis of investigation a case was registered in Crime Branch against Rattan Lal S/o  Mashroo Ram R/o Ranjitpura,  Camp Gole Gujral, Jammu,  Surinder Kumar S/o Dullo Ram of Simbalbala Tehsil and district Jammu;  Ghulam Mohd. Khan S/o Maqbool Khan of Zoonimer Nowshera, Srinagar,  Nazir Ahmed Malik S/o Gh. Mohd. Malik alias Nazir Ahmed S/o Ghulam Mohd.  Ningroo alias Mama Ningroo  of Hajanbala near P/S Rajpura,   Pulwama at present  Sikhbagh , Lal Bazaar, Srinagar and  Pinky Devi alias Nazia Nazir W/o Nazir  Ahmed Ningroo R/o Hajanwala near P/S Rajpura Pulwama at present Sikh Bagh,Lal Bazaar,Srinagar for duping/alluring the innocent youths.
During the course of investigation the relevant records including bank statements of the bank concerned were obtained, statements of prosecution witnesses were recorded and it was established that the accused after hatching criminal conspiracy cheated and duped the un-employed youth of their hard earned money through impersonation on the allurement to provide them Job. All these accused persons have been challaned in the Court of law for judicial determination.