Kashmir won’t trigger war: Farooq

Mir Farhat

Srinagar, Dec 4: National Conference patron and Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy, Dr Farooq Abdullah, today said he didn’t  foresee Kashmir will trigger a fourth war between India and Pakistan.
Abdullah while talking to reporters on the sidelines of the inauguration of a Lawn Tennis Court at S P College Sports Ground in Srinagar, said: “Kashmir issue needs to be solved through talks between the two countries (India and Pakistan). And only talks will resolve it. Both these countries should start talks on fast track which will pave way for friendship.”
Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif yesterday said in Muzaffarabad in Pakistan occupied Kashmir that Kashmir is a flashpoint that can trigger a fourth war between Pakistan and India anytime.
“Since he (Nawaz Sharif) is ruling the country, so he has to say such things for public consumption,” said Abdullah.
When asked about the pre poll alliance with the Congress party in the forthcoming elections in the State, Farooq said decisions over alliance with Congress would be taken by the National Conference Working Committee.
In the backdrop of money and alcohol allegedly paid to voters in New Delhi during today’s Assembly elections, Abdullah said, in a quirk remark, that people of Kashmir should accept money, if distributed by other parties, but should vote to National Conference.
“Fortunately people of Kashmir do not take alcohol. However if any political party distributes money, then people should demand more but should vote for NC,” he said.
Farooq said Article 370 of the Constitution guarantees special status to J&K and “cannot be revoked by BJP leader Narendra Modi or anyone else.
“Nobody, whether (Narendra) Modi or anybody else, can ever revoke Article 370. The Article is there and will remain there forever,” he said, and called for its strengthening.
Abdullah said the BJP has been carrying out propaganda about building the Ram Temple but have not done so far and their demand for revocation of Article 370 will not be fulfilled.
“BJP has been saying they will build a temple but so far they have not built it. Now they are talking about revocation of Article 370 but they would not be able to do it. It is unfortunate,” he said.
He said it was “unfortunate” that BJP was trying to mislead the people.
“I want to tell Modi that if he wants to be Prime Minister of the country, he needs to keep India together instead of disintegrating it. He needs to think over it,” he said.
Abdullah dismissed suggestion that Modi’s speech at Jammu on December 1, in which he cited example of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and his sister Sarah Pilot for highlighting discriminatory residency laws of the state, was an attack on his family.
“No attack on Abdullah family. We are alive today and will continue,” he said.