HuM activists on pay roll

Recently the NIA has filed charge-sheet against Yusuf Shah alias Salahudin, the Hizbul Mujahideen chief and also the chief of Jihad Council based in Muzaffarabad. Among other charges brought against him, it has been brought to light that Hizbul Mujahideen activists deployed for subversive activities in Jammu and Kashmir have been receiving monthly salary from the organization to carry forward is subversive plans against India. About 80 crore rupees have been received by the organization in last two years according to the sources of NIA and salaries were paid to the HuM activists at the rate of 2000-3000 rupee per month per activist. But this has bee revised upwards in 2009 and now a HuM activist is paid anything from Rs. 10,000 to 12,000 per moth in 2011. All this money has been coming through clandestine means especially from hawala source. We know that there are fake donors recorded in the books of donation of the organization. Actually the ISI and the Saudi intelligence agency al-Akhbarat are reported to be the major contributors to insurgency funding. There is also a sizeable Pakistani Diaspora in the western countries that is frugally contributing to what is called Kashmiri jihad. Those on the pay roll of Hizbul Mujahideen are activists, sympathizers, runners, over ground workers and underground workers besides the infiltrators and those actually engaged in combats. It is also reported that the mechanism of systematically and regularly funding the next of kin of its cadres killed/injured terrorists is in place.
In the first place, the Government has to ensure that hawala transactions are busted and its conductors are given exemplary punishment. No money should be allowed to reach the militants or their relative or anybody connected with them in Kashmir. Secondly, as the NIA claims it has all the information about money transactions, we would like to know the details of these and the steps Government is taking to dissuade people especially younger generation to support militancy in the State. Revelation made by NIA also indicate that some persons travelling to PoK in the garb of traders are using the border crossing points for bilateral trade as a safety valve to indulge in carrying Indian currency clandestinely to Pakistani jihadis to support their activities in Kashmir. This is a widespread racket and the Indian agencies should focus it.