200 years of Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Arun Kumar Gupta
Swami Dayanand ji’s ideal was “Krinvanto Vishwamaryam”, that is, we should make the whole world better, we should communicate the best ideas and human ideals in the whole world. Today in the 21st century when the world is embroiled in many controversies, surrounded by violence and instability; at this time, the path shown by Maharishi Dayanand ji communicates hope to crores of people. In such an important period, this auspicious festival of Maharishi Dayanand ji’s 200th birth anniversary is going to last for two years and it is a pleasure that the Government of India has also started this festival.
For the welfare of humanity, this continuous practice of yagya, is taking place. While addressing the audience at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Delhi, during inauguration of year long programs to mark the beginning of 200th year of birth anniversary of Swamiji, Prime Minister Modi was narrating that it was his good fortune that the holy land on which Maharishi Dayanand ji took birth, he also got the good fortune to be born there and the culture he got from that soil, that inspired and attracted him towards the ideals of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati for which he bowed down in reverence at the feet of Swami Dayanand Saraswati ji.
When Maharishi Dayanand was born, the country was losing its aura, its glory, its self-confidence and everything after being weakened by centuries of slavery at the hands of Britishers as well as the inferiority complex that prevails in a society, and it becomes natural for ostentatiousness to replace spirituality and faith in human life.
Let’s see the one who is confident. Such a person tries to live on the basis of pride. In this situation, Maharishi Dayanand ji came forward and revived the messages of the Vedas in the society and he gave direction to the society with his arguments. He proved this by repeatedly telling the people that the flaw is not in India’s religion and traditions,but the flaw is that we have forgotten their true form and are filled with distortions. Imagine at a time when our own Vedas were translated into foreign languages and attempts were being made to fabricate foreign narratives to humiliate us on the basis of those fake interpretations, many attempts were made to corrupt our history and tradition, then this effort of Maharishi Dayanand ji proved to be a great life-saver. He came as a new life force in the society in the form of Booti. PM Modi further said, we have to walk on the path of duty.
150 years back Maharishi ji must have faced so many difficulties in showing the way to the society. The evils that were blamed on religion were removed by Swamiji with the light of religion. Mahatma Gandhi told with great pride that our society owes a lot to Swami Dayanand ji and his declaration against untouchability is the biggest gift among them. Maharishi ji emerged as a logical and effective voice against oppression of women and fought discrimination faced by them resulting in a campaign for women’s education as they were forced to be deprived of education and respect.
Shri Swami Dayanand ji had blown this bugle when equal rights for women were a distant thing even in western countries. It was unusual to stand up for women in any way, that’s why his journey led to creation of Arya Samaj 150 years ago.
Even after so many years, we remember Maharishi ji as he was pivotal for our independence and his contributions have left an immortal impact on the Indian history. The birth anniversary has brought a new virtuous inspiration. The mantras that he had given for religion then, the dreams which were dreamed for the society, today it is moving ahead with full faith in them as he had invoked the Vedas.
Today we move forward with policies and efforts without discrimination in the country. Seeing that the service of the poor, the backward and the deprived is the first yagya for the country, with the mantra given to the underprivileged, a house for every poor, their respect, better medical facilities for every person, the daughters of the country today work without any restriction from defense security to startups. Today daughters are being deployed in Siachen, fighter plane Rafale is also flying, Government has removed the restrictions on the admission of daughters in military schools. Along with modern education, Swami Dayanand ji had also advocated for an education system moulded in the Indian environment through Gurukulas, which the country has strengthened its foundation through the new National Education Policy.”
“In the field of environment, India is playing the role of a torchbearer for the world today. We live the global mission based on the vision of harmony with nature. It is a matter of pride for us that in this important period, the countries of the world have entrusted the responsibility of the presidency of the G-20 to India. We are taking the environment forward as the agents of the G-20 who can play an important role as taking the responsibility of connecting people with modern perspective and duties with our ancient philosophy.”
“He was dedicated to a comprehensive campaign related to natural farming. We have to take natural farming village-based farming from village to village, growing millets, jowar, etc. that we are familiar with and we have now given a new nomenclature to Millets to increase its global identity and to make the country’s Millets famous worldwide.”
PM Modi said that he is confident that Arya Samaj will continue to organize these yagya for the nation and the society, and will continue to spread the light of yagya for humanity. Next year, the 150th year of establishment of Arya Samaj is also going to start. He also congratulated all the great people of Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, and the way program was planned, he got a chance to come and see everything. All the Arya samajs were congratulated for celebrating the birth anniversary of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati ji at such a massive scale and contributing towards the welfare of the Indian society.
(The writer is President of Arya Samaj Dayanand Marg, City Chowk, Jammu.)