Centre tells babus to follow conduct rules

NEW DELHI, June 13:
The Centre has revised guidelines for IAS, IPS and IFoS officers going on study leave, making it mandatory for them to follow the service rules, failure of which would attract disciplinary and consequential actions.
The move comes after it noticed instances of certain All India Service officers not conducting themselves fully in consonance with the spirit of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968 while on study leave.
There are three All India Services (AIS) — Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Forest Service (IFoS).
Now, such officers will have to give an undertaking as part of a revised bond that they will abide by the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and the guidelines on conduct during study leave, failure of which would make them liable for disciplinary action, according to a Personnel Ministry order.
The bond to be executed before proceeding on study leave has accordingly been revised, where a member of service shall, inter-alia, undertake to abide by the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and the guidelines on conduct during study leave, it said in the order issued to Chief Secretaries of all States.
“I am fully aware that in case I am found in violation of the conduct rules or the guidelines on conduct during study leave as prescribed, I shall be liable for disciplinary action to be initiated against me,” read the part of the undertaking to be given by the officers.
“I also hereby undertake that I understand that, in case of violation of the conduct rules or the said guidelines, further consequential action may also lie against me including such violation being taken into account during the process of empanelment in Central Government, being re-called from study leave and/or debarment from future study leave and optional training programs,” it further says.
The guidelines say that the officers are “expected to display a level of maturity and sensitivity befitting a senior officer of the Government”.
“The member of service is expected to exercise discretion in his/her interactions with foreign nationals and/or mission and in his/her interactions on social media,” read the guidelines, adding that such officers shall not overstay beyond the period of the approved leave. (PTI)