Vivekananda Hospital performs hip replacement operation

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 14: Another mile stone has been achieved by Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Charitable Hospital Ambphalla Jammu by operating a patient for total hip replacement in the upgraded modern Orthopedic Operation theatre.
The doctors at Hospital have performed operation of a young patient namely Manpreet Singh, son of Dalvinder Singh of Ganga Nagar Bantalab who was suffering from pain in hip region for the last five years following injury and was diagnosed as a case of Bilateral Avascular Necrosis of Femoral heads.
Total hip replacement was done by senior Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr Madan Gandotra free of cost under Ayushman Bharat Scheme . The patient was anaesthetized by Dr Anita Viz Kohli.
The Orthopedic Surgeon was assisted by a dedicated team consisting of Dr Tapsy Sharma, RMO, Sahil Khatri, Mohinder Lal OT, technicians Parvez Chouhan Male Nurse, Ashish Sharma, DEO Kesro Ram, Kewal Kumar Nursing Orderlies.