Clean potable water

It is heartening to note that the PHE department is embarking upon supplying clean water to each household. In this connection  National Rural Drinking Water Programme ( NRDWP) is being launched in the state and the concerned employees are required to undergo the necessary training. As per reports, officers shall be nominated to routinely test the levels of the purity  of the water and training centres are to be set up at District levels. The provision of testing water samples on weekly basis is also envisaged.
It is not , however, known as to how much of time it is going to take to materialize the plan. In the mean time, the PHE authorities are found taking very little interest to arrest the trend of misusing and wastage of water. The broken pipes, on roads, lanes  and in govt. departments are not being repaired which causes utter wastage of the precious water. Many house holds keep their taps running and carelessly allow their overhead and underground  water tanks to overflow . Watching  such a spactle  is shocking when we all know that water sources are getting shrunk and it is becoming more precious, virtually scarce. Shall the authorities take steps which are  most  required in this direction?
Yours etc…..
Vijay Sambyal