First ever 2-day Summer Carnival commences at Neel Top

People during Summer Carnival at Neel Top in Ramban.
People during Summer Carnival at Neel Top in Ramban.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 18: Under the supervision of Secretary to the Government, Tourism Department, Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, the Directorate of Tourism Jammu, in collaboration with District Administration Ramban and J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages organized the first ever two day Neel Top Summer Carnival 2023.
The Carnival was jointly inaugurated by DDC Chairperson Ramban, Dr Shamshada Shan and District Development Commissioner Ramban Masrat Ul Islam at Neel Top meadows.
The mega Cultural and Adventure bonanza has been organized with the aim to promote tourism in this natural marvel of Jammu Division.
Colourful cultural programmes including a bouquet of musical performances like the local Rambani Thaali Dance, Dogri Dance, Kashmiri Dance enthralled the audiences amid loud cheers and festive fanfare. Local artists of District Ramban presented beautiful folk performances and engaged the audiences.
The two days festival at the scenic meadows of Neel Top are attracting visitors in huge numbers and the first day witnessed a gathering of about 15-18 thousand people.
Tourists as well as locals echoed the sentiment that employment shall be generated through such initiatives and promotional activities to bring such natural gems on the national and international tourism map.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Shamshada Shan said that Neel Top is an untouched virgin scenic tourist destination which is blessed with unexplored natural beauty, housed under the shadow of snow clad peaks namely Hans Raj & Shafawoin of Pir Panjal Ranges. She appreciated the efforts of the Tourism Department and District Administration in organizing such mega promotional events which help in discovering such local natural spectacles, weaved with cultural diversity, scenic beauty and beautiful mountains with green meadows.
Deputy Commissioner Ramban, Mussarat Islam hoped that the Department shall come up with more activities for OffBeat Destinations of Ramban District in the ongoing year. He also hoped that Homestays shall be promoted in Ramban District since rural tourism and livelihood opportunities have ample scope in this region and that there is a need to tap the potential of adventure tourism of District Ramban.
Assistant Director Tourism NHW Batote, Mohammad Arif Lone in his welcome address said that Directorate of Tourism Jammu under active guidance of Director Tourism Jammu Vivekanand Rai is putting in strenuous efforts to tap the unexplored tourism potential of offbeat destinations of Jammu region. He said Joint Director Tourism, Sunaina Sharma Mehta, in the capacity of Sub Nodal Officer, Rural Tourism is in liaison with local stakeholders to promote homestays for rural livelihood and tourism promotion.