Ugly face of terrorism

Ugly face of terrorism

Promila Arora
Name of Book : Benam Rishtey
Author : Bhupinder Singh Raina
Translation : Rupinder Kaur Raaj
Edited by : Harmeet Kaur Raina
Publishers : RaveenaPrakashan
Price : Rs. 299 /-
Bhupinder Singh Raina, who started writing novels with DhuankhiDhup at very young age has established himself in the field of Punjabi novel by writing novels like ‘IksiLoona’, ‘Nadite Nari’, ‘Pap di Pand’ etc.’Benam Rishtey’is a multi-dimensional novel dealing with complexity of human relationship in the wake of differences of caste and religion in the turbulent situation of terrorism in the beautiful valley of Kashmir throwing light on the different changes in human psyche under strained circumstances.It has a strong storyline that captivates the reader. Starting with the love at adolescence, it portrays the pitiable condition of woman in society being targeted by terrorists. In this row it unveils the inhuman aspect of terrorism.
A rare aspect of the state of heart and soul of a woman is exposed in this novel that she can be bold enough in love and loyalty to ask her husband to allow her to meet her lover. Asking for this promise is the ghastly facet of revengeful feeling created by misunderstanding. The writer is successful in manipulating the circumstances for such situation. On the other hand the patience in Balbir is exemplary. Marrying Preeti who escaped with Fiaz from home, mad in his love, then he got victim of the manipulation of his friend out of his ill will, then again accepting the same girl who left him in love with the Muslim boy agreeing to her condition of allowing her to meet her lover makes him an angel of a man on the earth.
The writer has very well portrayed the ugly face of terrorism in the beautiful valley of Kashmir.He has very well described the escapade of Pandits from the valley and has straightway pointed out the disgusting role of political leaders on the issue. The writer is blunt in his opinion that woman is the main target in any kind of terrorism or atrocity .The innocent girls are entrapped by terrorists to satiate their lust and use them as instrument to avenge on the other communities.
The title of the novel ‘Benam Rishtey’ is very suitable to the storyline of the novel. On one hand it throws light on the ferocious phase of false love shown to Preeti by Fiaz, who leaves her at awkward place to be tortured by his community. At the same time the author eulogizes the character of soldiers deputed for the security under such adverse circumstances .They consider Preeti as their sister and take care of her as brothers do. The people like Dr. Shameem prove that we shouldn’t be prejudiced about a community , all the people of a community are not bad.
This novel is very well written enough to involve the readers from first word to the last one. The reader has the curiosity to know the further happenings. This is the sign of successful novel writing and Bhupinder Singh Raina is well versed in this art. The last episode of Preeti committing suicide creates disappointment as one feels such a brave lady who fought so boldly with circumstances must have killed Fiaz instead of killing herself.
However the novel establishes the capability of Raina’s art of writing novel with captivating storyline, suitable words creating the word pictures of atmosphere and circumstances.
I read this novel in Punjabi written originally by Bhupinder Singh Raina and its translated version by Rupinder Raj ji. Being a writer and translator myself I know, how difficult it is to involve oneself with the writing of an author so deeply to transcribe his thoughtfulness in other language , I must congratulate Rupinder Raj for such a beautiful translation keeping the spirit of original alive .In a way the author , the translator as well as the editor Harmeet Kaur Raina deserve praise for this translation .
Hope the other novels of Mr. Raina will be translated for the readers in other languages to be cherished.
(The author is Retd. Principal Kapurthala)