Technology for technology’s sake won’t survive: GMR Airports ED

Hyderabad, June 23 :  Technology for the sake of technology will not survive and digital transformation must improve user experience, customer experience, bottom line and behaviour said SGK Kishore, Executive Director (South) and Chief Innovation Officer, GMR Airports , here on Friday.
In his key address at the Impetus, a full-day ‘innovative conclave’ aimed at driving digital transformation and empowering industries organized by FTCCI and HYSEA here, Kishore said the day-long conference was planned for discussions on new technologies, embracing technologies and digital transformation.
He said that most of the participants are MSMEs, for whom technology is an essential part of their business. It is important for them to remodel their business.
“There are three aspects to Digital Transformation as I understand. We keep hearing three different buzzwords—digitization, digitalisation and Digital Transformation. Digitisation is the initial step in using digital tools. Digitaliation is about bringing in products and solutions. Mother of all these two is Digital Transformation,” he said