PM’s growing stature

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi confers Prime Minister Narendra Modi with ‘Order of the Nile’ award - Egypt’s highest state honour, during their meeting in Cairo, Egypt.
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi confers Prime Minister Narendra Modi with ‘Order of the Nile’ award - Egypt’s highest state honour, during their meeting in Cairo, Egypt.

PM Modi was recently awarded the prestigious ‘Order of the Nile,’ Egypt’s highest honour, by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. This recognition, bestowed upon heads of state, crown princes, and vice presidents who have made significant contributions to Egypt or humanity, signifies the enduring friendship between India and Egypt. This accolade marks the 13th highest state honour conferred upon Prime Minister Modi over the past nine years.
The numerous awards and honours conferred upon Prime Minister Narendra Modi do indicate recognition of his contributions and accomplishments on the international stage. These accolades reflect the appreciation and respect extended to him by various countries for his leadership, diplomatic efforts, and initiatives. It is worth noting that these awards are a reflection of the relationships and partnerships India has established with other nations as well as a recognition of India’s growing prominence on the global stage. Ultimately, the significance of these awards lies not only in the recognition of Prime Minister Modi’s efforts but also in the potential for strengthening bilateral relations, promoting cooperation, and advancing mutual interests between India and other countries.
Prime Minister Modi’s connection with the Bohra community indeed stands as an exemplary demonstration of fostering strong ties with a specific religious and cultural group. The Prime Minister’s engagement with the Bohra community showcases his commitment to understanding and supporting diverse communities within India. By visiting the historic Al-Hakim Mosque in Cairo, restored with the assistance of the Dawoodi Bohra community, he acknowledges their contributions to preserving cultural heritage and promoting religious harmony. The active involvement of the Bohra community in maintaining and renovating the mosque, as well as their efforts to promote inclusivity and cultural exchange, exemplify the importance of people-to-people connections and community engagement. This engagement not only strengthens the bond between India and the Bohra community but also showcases India’s commitment to religious pluralism and diversity. By recognising and appreciating the contributions of various religious and cultural communities, Prime Minister Modi sets an example for promoting social cohesion and harmony. The Prime Minister’s connection with the different communities worldwide serves as an example of how leaders can foster relationships and understanding with specific religious and cultural groups, promoting inclusivity and strengthening ties within a diverse society.
Prime Minister Modi’s personal connections with leaders and communities in various countries, including those in the Gulf region, have played a significant role in strengthening India’s relationships and fostering goodwill. These relationships have proven beneficial in times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine crisis.
This goodwill for India has been instrumental in strengthening diplomatic ties, promoting economic cooperation, and advancing India’s interests in the international arena. All these personal efforts of PM Modi have undoubtedly enhanced his stature as an international leader and India’s international standing. These relationships have the potential to facilitate cooperation and partnerships in diverse areas, benefiting both India and its international partners.