Fake registration racket busted

JAMMU, July 1: Police here have busted a racket involved in the preparation and sale of fake yatra registration slips of Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra. The prime accused in the case, along with two of his associates, has been arrested.
In a statement, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jammu, Chandan Kohli, said, “during the examinating of yatra registration slips of the devotees, the Jammu Administration found that some of the devotees were possessing fake slips.”
In response, he said, a case FIR 188/2023 under Section 420 of the IPC was registered at Trikuta Nagar Police Station, and an investigation into the case was set into motion by a team of concerned Police Station led by SDPO East under the guidance of SP Jammu South.
During the investigation, the police officer said, it came to the fore that a man from Delhi was running a racket, under which he was preparing fake registration slips. Accordingly, a team of Jammu Police raided the suspect’s location in Delhi and arrested him along with two of his associates.
While the main accused has been identified as Harender Verma, son of Devinder Verma of West Rohtas Nagar, Shahadara, Delhi, the other accused have been identified as Daleep Prajapati, son of Hari Chand and Vinod Kumar, son of Jagan Nath.
The main accused was involved in the preparation of fake registration slips, while the other two associates were involved in arranging bus services and medical certificates for the devotees, said the SSP Jammu.
During the raid in Delhi, the police have recovered a computer and a printer used in the crime.
“Further investigation into the case is going on,” said the SSP Jammu.
Meanwhile, the police officer has appealed to the devotees to register themselves only through notified Government means and don’t fall prey to the criminals.