Sopore residents protest against smart meter installation

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, July 4: The residents of the Naseem Bagh area of Sopore in North Kashmir’s Baramulla district staged a protest today against the installation of smart meters in their locality.
The protesters, predominantly women, voiced their opposition to the installation of smart meters, saying that they are unable to afford the “hefty” bills that would be generated. They cited their poor financial conditions as the main reason for their concern and fear that the implementation of smart meters will result in an excessive financial burden on already struggling households.
“We cannot afford the smart meter billing. Our income is very nominal, as the majority of people in our area work as salesmen, laborers, or roadside vendors. We can barely manage to pay for our children’s school fees,” explained a group of protesting women.
Seeking intervention from the Power Development Department, the protesters demanded that the electricity supply be disconnected in the area or that the installation of smart meters be halted. “We would prefer to rely on traditional means for our daily needs instead of dealing with unaffordable electricity bills,” a protesting woman said.