About the Roshni Act

While on the one hand, the state government says it suffers from the financial crunch and on the other hand wherever there are avenues to earn the revenue, the state government just is found in a state of recklessness. In the findings of the interim audit conducted by the Accountant General, it is pointed out that the state government has incurred huge financial losses due to the State land under the Roshni Act under the occupation of many people  given at rates much below the market price.
The special privilege conferred by the state government on the concerned individuals like this cannot but be called against the rules and at the cost of the due revenue to the Government.
There are instances as per the report where even the illegal occupation of agricultural land has been regularized without charging any price of the land. In the same way, large chunks of JDA land are neither demarcated nor fenced resulting in the mafia occupying them illegally. The instance of Gole Gujral JDA land approximately 400 kanals proves the point. The Revenue Department and other Governmental agencies are answerable for these lapses.
Yours etc…..
Janak Raj
R S Pura