Gandhi Nagar Hospital holds programme on WHO theme

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 27: Government Hospital Gandhi Nagar Jammu today organized a lecture on World Health Organisation (WHO) theme ‘We’re not Waiting” under the guidance of Secretary Health and Medical Education Bhupinder Kumar.
Participants included ANMT School students, Nursing tutors and paramedical staff of Gandhi Nagar hospital.
Addressing, Gandhi Nagar Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Parveen Yograj explained in detail the WHO theme which called for accelerating the steps for elimination of viral Hepatitis and urgent need for testing and treatment for the purpose.
“Viral hepatitis is one of the leading causes of death globally accounting for 1.34 million deaths per year that is as many as caused by HIV/AID, Tuberculosis or Malaria.
“Together, Hepatitis-B virus and Hepatitis-C cause 80 percent of liver cancer in the world, In this regard, National Virus Hepatitis Control Programme under NHM is already operating to combat Hepatitis and elimination of Hepatitis-C by 2030,” Dr Yograj said. Dr Daisy Parihar, Principal ANMT School Gandhi Nagar coordinated whole function.
Winners of a contest organized on the occasion include Riya Gupta, Arti, Manpreet & Mehreen, Hussaina Kouser, Shall & Tavneet Kour.
Other participants include Vijay Rekha, Bindu Sharma, Vaishali, Lalita, Lovely and Anil Kesar.