Azad’s Ministry sanctions Rs 90 crore worth 2 Tertiary Cancer Centres for J&K

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Dec 19: Keeping in view sharp increase in number of cancer patients and subsequent requirement of this deadly disease -related treatments, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad has sanctioned two Tertiary Cancer Centres for Jammu and Kashmir under the National Cancer Control Programme. One such centre would be opened in Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) while as site for centre in Jammu would be finalized tomorrow.
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that as the sharp increase in the number of cancer patients in Jammu and Kashmir has become a matter of concern, the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad, while considering the request of the Minister for Medical Education, Taj Mohi-ud-Din, has sanctioned two Tertiary Cancers for Jammu and Kashmir.
Each centre will cost Rs 45 crore. Of the Rs 45 crore, an amount of Rs 30 crore would be spent on the purchase of PET Scan and Linear Accelerator while as Rs 15 crore each would be incurred on the building. Both the PET Scan and Linear Accelerator are used in cancer screening and are the most advanced equipment. At present, there is no PET Scan and Linear Accelerator in Jammu and Kashmir and cancer patients are paying through their noses to get these facilities availed in the medical institutions and centres outside the State.
The intensity with which the number of cancer patients is increasing can be gauged from the fact that in 2012 around 1600 patients were registered in the Tumor Registry of the Regional Cancer Centre in the Government Medical College Jammu but during the current year so far the number has gone up to 2000 thereby registering increase of around 300 to 400 patients every year, sources informed.
The demand for the Tertiary Cancer Centres in Jammu and Kashmir was projected by Taj Mohi-ud-Din soon after taking over as Minister for Medical Education early this year. Accordingly, the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad directed the State Government to prepare a proposal in this regard and submit the same for funding under National Cancer Control Programme.
During the pendency of the proposal in the Ministry, Mr Azad in the month of September this year made announcement regarding setting up of 20 new State Centre Institutes across the country along with 23 new Tertiary Cancer Centres to address the increased requirement of cancer-related treatments and the centres sanctioned for Jammu and Kashmir are part of this announcement.
When contacted, Minister for Medical Education, Taj Mohi-ud-Din confirmed that Azad’s Ministry has sanctioned two Tertiary Cancer Centres for Jammu and Kashmir. “One Centre would be established in Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) premises while as the site for the same in Jammu would be finalized tomorrow”, he added.
In response to a question, he said, “we have two options-first is to construct new building in the premises of Chest Disease Hospital while as another option in Super Specialty Hospital. My as well as Mr Azad’s preference is Super Specialty Hospital as such I will be visiting the hospital tomorrow to identify the suitable location in Super Specialty Hospital”, adding “in case no new construction is required we will be able to establish the centre within a period of six months”.
“These two Tertiary Cancer Centres would go long way in meeting the requirement of cancer-related treatments within State and would provide respite to the patients from paying through their nose for such treatments in the institutions and centres outside the Jammu and Kashmir”, Mr Taj said.