Muharram Processions – Historic moments for J&K

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha reached out to the Shia community by joining the mourners in the Zuljanah procession on Muharram 10 in Srinagar’s downtown area. This marks the first time a high-ranking official has participated in this significant religious event, and his gesture has been appreciated by the Shias in the region. The Zuljanah procession is a major event for Shia Muslims during Muharram, and it commemorates the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions in the battle of Karbala, a significant event in Islamic history. The procession in Srinagar’s Botakadal area was carried out with the necessary arrangements made by the administration to ensure its smooth conduct.
Since the eruption of terrorism in 1989, achieving total peace has been a significant challenge for both appointed Governors and democratically elected Chief Ministers in Jammu and Kashmir. The valley was often influenced by the dictates of terrorists, their external supporters, and separatist elements. For decades, stone pelting and frequent hartals disrupted the normal lives of the people, making it difficult for the region to experience sustained peace. However, everything changed when the Government decided to confront these challenges head-on. After the abrogation of Article 370, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir, the region transformed as it became a Union Territory. Within just four years, transformations have been achieved. Gone are the days of regular hartals and the dominance of terrorists. The rule of law now prevails in the region, leading to a significant improvement in the security situation. The fear and anxiety that parents once had about their children getting caught in the crossfire or being lured into terrorism have largely dissipated. The new mantra of the valley is focused on peace and development. The authorities’ firm stand and efforts to challenge the status quo have resulted in a more stable and secure environment. With the restoration of peace, the region is now better poised for development and growth.
LG Manoj Sinha’s expert handling has been instrumental in bringing positive changes to Jammu and Kashmir. As an experienced politician and administrator, he has shown an understanding of the people’s sentiments and needs. Under his guidance, the region has witnessed the successful hosting of various events, such as the winter games and the G20 meeting, which are clear indicators of the improved and peaceful situation in Jammu and Kashmir. The reopening of cinema halls after decades is a significant step, showing that the situation has become conducive to normalcy and leisure activities. The participation of locals in various events reflects the growing sense of security and the willingness of the people to embrace peace and development.
The LG’s decision to grant permission for the Muharram procession in Srinagar and other areas shows his awareness of the changing dynamics in the valley. His willingness to stand among the people and share in their grief and mourning is a significant gesture that has earned appreciation and respect. The successful conduct of Muharram processions throughout Jammu and Kashmir without any disruptions highlights the efforts put in by the LG, his team of officers, the Jammu and Kashmir Police, and the security agencies. Their dedication and hard work deserve recognition for creating an environment of peace and stability. This peaceful day during the Muharram procession can be seen as a turning point for the region, paving the way for upcoming Municipal and Panchayat elections. The positive direction in which things are moving gives hope for a more conducive atmosphere to emerge, fostering further development and progress in Jammu and Kashmir.
However, it is important to acknowledge that peace building is an ongoing process and that there might still be challenges to overcome. Nevertheless, the positive changes observed are historic moments for Jammu and Kashmir, where the well-being and safety of its citizens are prioritised.