Introduction To Options Trading In India: A To Z Guide

Introduction To Options Trading In India: A To Z Guide

The option is known to be a derivative contract. With options, buyers can buy or sell securities at a specific price in the long run. To enjoy this right of freedom, these buyers must pay a fee referred to as a premium for sellers, similar to the way you pay to open demat account.

Buyers may be allowed to exercise that right without exercising it if market prices are not appropriate for them. It will also help confirm that potential loss is placed in a more favourable position than the premium. However, the implications of this right are significant if it increases in value due to precise market movements. You may not fully understand this if you are learning to trade options for the first time. Thus, reading more will be a good practice.

About Option Trading

Options trading is selling or buying a specific asset set at predetermined prices and dates. This type of trading requires a thorough understanding of opening an options account, several advanced strategies, and a good knowledge of the trading process. It is equally important to know how to trade options, which, if you are not well aware of them, could make it more difficult for you to incur significant losses.

It’s generally more challenging to trade options compared with stock trading. For that reason, you need to choose several shares to buy. But when trading options, you have to take a lot of factors into account. You should learn the difference between future and possible options as well.

Generally, options are classified into two types of contracts- put and call. A put option gives the buyer the right to sell the underlying asset at a pre-negotiated price in the future. By contrast, the contract purchaser can acquire the underlying asset at a pre negotiated price in the long run through an option call. The strike rate can be identified as such. For this reason, it is essential to understand options trading thoroughly for the first time.

When the market conditions are unfavourable, options can  still help generate revenue. It can also serve as a buffer against adverse effects. Because of this, learning how to trade options may bring you closer to making profits while being aware.

What Is The Level Of Options Trading?

For first-time traders, there are four primary levels of options trading. Let’s get to know them all in detail.

Level 1:

Protective performs call placement and called covering. That’s when the underlying asset is already in the investor’s possession.

Level 2:

There is a long time between puts and calls. It has to do with the strangles and the straddles.

Level 3:

One or more options may be purchased at this stage. At this stage, there will also be a simultaneous sale of one or more option positions for the underlying asset.

Level 4:

Included at this level are naked options, which carry a high risk of loss. With prior knowledge of these four stages of trading, starting in options trading can be manageable.

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trading Options


  1. The potential for high returns

Although buying shares in cash can give you a good return, those who engage in trading options get better returns. As a result, if the right strike is selected, you can make an even greater profit through options than with simple stock purchases. A higher rate of return can be expected when the options are priced at low margins and you receive an identical profit.

  1. Improvement of the availability of strategies

A wide range of strategies are available for implementing options markets. You can combine each trade, which will help you build a strategic position. This will be achieved with the help of both put and call options with many strike prices and expiries.

  1. Cost-effective

For a wide range of uses, options are available. The most interesting fact, however, is that both investors and traders are likely to be able to acquire option positions corresponding to the same share position at a reasonable level of margin.

  1. Low Risk

It can be a risk when it comes to options. Indeed, they are very risky compared with owning the stock market. In addition, they can help prevent the risk in many ways. You will better understand the advantages you can obtain through this type of trading if you’re learning how to trade options for inexperienced traders.


The following are the drawbacks of options trading.

  1. Time decay
  2. low liquidity
  3. high commissions
  4. low availability of stock options.

Final Words

All types of traders now have the options trading concept at their disposal. Options trading can be an excellent choice if you’re just starting. However, you should ensure you have a stock market app like blinkX to assist you and have a margin account ready. Orders can be entered to execute these options when options trading has been authorised. Using the option chain’s power to do that can be done. This can help you assess the expiration date, the price of the strike, and a host of other things. Therefore, you can decide to place limit or market orders for this option.