Political empowerment to pave way for return of KPs: YAIKS

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 1: Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj (YAIKS) termed the initiative of Modi led Government of reserving two Assembly seats for Kashmiri Pandits in the Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir a historical decision.
R K Bhat, president, YAIKS while addressing the meeting here today expressed the hope that the other pressing demands of the displaced people will also be settled on priority.
Bhat in his address said “We are indebted to Narendra Modi led Government for this historical decision to make rootless community of Kashmiri Pandits politically empowered”. He said “We have been fighting for this for last three decades and no one was giving any heed to this core demand of the community,. Our political empowerment will be directly involved and linked with our return to our motherland,. The political authorisation will definitely encourage us and will definitely lead us to reconnect our lost roots,”.
To make this political empowerment more effective and beneficial, Bhat appealed to the Prime Minister and Union Home Minister to create a mechanism for democratic process also by holding internal community election before the nomination of these two seats by the Lt Governor of J and K. “We believe in PM’s slogan ‘progress report card first’ the person having contribution towards the society with progressive report card and having grass root community connectivity and acceptance should be given chance to represent community in Assembly, so that the genuine candidate nominated will put forth political aspirations of the community in a democratic and bold manner.
The meeting also gave credit to the Delimitation Commission which recommended two seats for the Pandit community. Bhat said YAIKS had also met Delimitation Commission during the process of reorganization and we were assured that the political aspirations of the community will be addressed.
The meeting also complimented JK BJP and all KP organisations who have been fighting to get community politically empowered.
The meeting appealed to the community to get united at this crucial time.
The other YAIKS leaders who addressed the gathering includes Sanjeev Koul, D N Sadhu, T N Ganjoo, Vinod Bhat, Ajay Pandita, Sonika Raina, Suman Lata, Rajinder Sharma, Rohi Nazar, Ajay Raina.