Apple to help deal with floods in China – CEO

Beijing, August 3: US technology company Apple will help to eliminate the consequences of floods in Beijing, as well as Hebei province, the head of the company, Tim Cook, said on Thursday.
“Our hearts go out to those impacted by the terrible flooding in Beijing and the surrounding Hebei province.
Apple will be donating to relief efforts on the ground,” Cook said on Weibo.
On Friday, typhoon Doksuri reached China and heavy rains hit the country’s northern provinces.
The media reported, citing the Beijing Flood Prevention Authority, that the death toll from heavy rains in the city reached 11, while 9 more people died in Hebei province.
In addition, heavy rains affected a total of 44,673 people in 13 districts of the capital.
About 127,000 people were evacuated from dangerous areas in Beijing.
The economic damage caused by the disaster is still being assessed.
The authorities said the risk of floods still remains.