Beggary a serious problem

Beggary is a serious problem in Jammu and Kashmir. These beggars beg at bus stops, railway station religious places like temples, mosques, gurudwara, churches, peer babas etc. These beggars also beg on the foot paths. These beggars harass the people with volley of entreaties and blessings in the hope of getting money. Most of beggars are healthy- physically and mentally and are able bodied. They have taken to begging for they find it and easier and more convenient source of income than doing physical labour.
The menace of begging is a serious problem. It encourages idleness and also wastes, a sizeable amount of human labour. Beggar do not spare even foreigners visiting our state. Due to this these foreigners think our states as a land of beggars. Government should give these beggars work so that they may become self sufficient and Government should striclty enforce the provisions of the law to eradicate this evil from the UT and the country.
Sanjay Dhar,
Laxmi Nagar, Sarwal