JTC, SKF hold protest at Jagti

JTC, SKF hold protest at Jagti
JTC and SKF activists protesting at Jagti on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 6: A protest of Jagti Tenement Committee (JTC) and Soan Kashmir Front (SKF) was held today at Jagti township under the chairmanship of its president, Shadi Lal Pandita.
Addressing the protesters Pandita demanded immediate removal of encroachments on KPs land in the Valley and retrieving of this land to its owners.
Pandita said that due to the follies of successive Governments the Kashmiri Pandits are leading an exiled life for last 34 years and this ancient civilization is now fast losing its identity.
He said that Kashmiri Pandits want to return to Kashmir Valley for which three satellite townships should be built near Baramulla, Srinagar and Anantnag as soon as possible where Kashmiri Pandits will be able to live with honour and dignity.
He while highlighting the issues demanded enhancement in monthly cash relief of relief holders from Rs 13,000 to Rs 25,000, 20,000 jobs for unemployed Kashmiri migrant youths, interest free loans up to Rs 25 lakh be given to over- aged educated migrant youth, on -spot recruitment for police force in Jagti township for displaced Pandit youth , compensation for 33 years losses suffered by the community in shape of crops, fruit etc, release of remaining amount of compensation for damaged and burnt property, removal of illegal encroachments on migrant property and shrines and reservation of five Assembly seats and two Parliament seats for KPs.