2 more OPD counters at Paediatric Hospital with Scan & Share

Amrit store soon to facilitate patients: MS
Irfan Tramboo
SRINAGAR, Aug 8: While the issue of a lack of pharmacies persists at the newly set up Paediatric Hospital in Bemina, the hospital authorities have initiated necessary corrective steps in other areas aimed at facilitating patients. This starts with the establishment of two additional OPD registration counters and the implementation of the Scan & Share Queue Management system.
Officials informed Excelsior that in consideration of the rush of patients at the OPD counters and the time it takes for them to secure OPD cards, the number of registration counters has been increased from 2 to 4, along with the incorporation of the Scan & Share facility.
“This issue has now been addressed, ensuring that people do not have to endure long queues. With the Scan & Share system, a digital initiative of ABDM, the waiting time has also been reduced,” stated Dr Abdul Rashid Parra, Medical Superintendent of the hospital, to Excelsior.
Regarding the matter of the shortage of pharmacies, which was previously reported by Excelsior and necessitated patients to walk nearly a kilometre to access medicines, Dr Parra mentioned that IPD patients receive necessary medications through various government schemes. For OPD patients, a Jan Aushadi store caters to their needs.
Dr Parra acknowledged the shortage of pharmacies and informed that the hospital is in the process of establishing an Amrit Store on the premises, which will alleviate the situation. “As a new hospital, establishing a comprehensive chain of private pharmacies takes time. However, we are in the process of soon opening an Amrit store here,” he assured.
The authorities further disclosed that they have implemented a feedback mechanism to identify areas requiring improvement. “We maintain a file of feedback from IPD patients at the end of their stay. We collect details on various parameters, duly record them, and take action in response to complaints,” Dr Parra explained.
Additionally, Dr. Parra revealed that a proposal has been put forth for the establishment of a diagnostic block, connected to the main building, to facilitate patients. He said that there is also another proposal which has been put in for the construction of a designated Attendant Shelter.
Concerning the vital overhead bridge intended for patient and attendant movement to the hospital, the authorities affirmed ongoing progress and active communication with the executive agency. Importantly, the lack of this much-needed bridge creates significant challenges for individuals attempting to access the hospital. As a result, they are compelled to navigate across the National Highway, which poses substantial risks due to the high-speed vehicular traffic.
Moreover, Excelsior was informed that several measures have been implemented to ensure effective sanitation and nursing for improved patient care.
The hospital, as per the authorities, is also poised to commence super speciality care, particularly focusing on conducting paediatric surgeries under one roof. “These ongoing efforts aim to enhance patient care, with paediatric surgeries likely to commence within a month,” they said.