Govt directs for constitution of Group of Secretaries to suggest certain flexibilities

Difficulties in schematic release of CSS through BEAMS
*Oct 31 deadline fixed for clearance of 3 yrs’ Audit Paras

Mohinder Verma

JAMMU, Aug 8: Government of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has issued directions for constitution of Group of Secretaries to suggest certain flexibilities as some of the Administrative Secretaries have highlighted operational difficulties in schematic release of funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme through Budget, Estimation, Allocation and Monitoring System (BEAMS).
Moreover, the Government has fixed October 31 as deadline for clearance of Audit Paras pertaining to last three Financial Years as urgency in this regard has been conveyed to the Finance Department by the Principal Accountant General (PAG).
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that in a recent high level meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Dr Arun Kumar Mehta detailed deliberations were held on the implementation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS).
All the Administrative Secretaries were directed to have the legacy issues addressed and all the projects must be reflected on BEAMS, which is an online computerized web-based application for preparation and authorization of budget and enables online flow of resources and the departments can allocate funds to their field offices through this system.
The Principal Secretary, Finance Department was directed to have in place a road-map for every department with respect to Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Moreover, he was directed to fix realistic revenue targets in consultation with the concerned Administrative Secretary, sources informed.
However, the Principal Secretary, Jal Shakti Department and Principal Secretary, Public Works Department apprised the Chief Secretary about operational difficulties in schematic release of Centrally Sponsored Scheme funds through BEAMS for the reason that the Union Territory share has to be released and credited to State Nodal Agency (SNA) through advance drawl as per the current directions of the Government of India regarding Centrally Sponsored Scheme and also since the funds are utilized on the schemes that are progressing at a faster pace based on close monitoring by the concerned departments.
It was also pointed out by these Principal Secretaries that very fast moving Centrally Sponsored Schemes require flexibility rather than procedural complications.
“While agreeing with the suggestion of continuing with existing system, the Chief Secretary issued directions for constitution of a Group of Secretaries comprising Administrative Secretaries of the departments of Jal Shakti, Public Works (R&B) and Finance to look into the issue of giving certain flexibilities to the administrative departments with respect to the releases on BEAMS vis-à-vis availability of financials as per the UT/Centre Share”, sources said.
They further said, “the Chief Secretary has also issued directions to all the Administrative Secretaries to review the switch over to scheme-based budgeting system in their respective departments”.
Meanwhile, reiterating the earlier directions, the Chief Secretary has impressed upon all the Administrative Secretaries to focus on reconciliation of pending Audit Paras. In the meeting, Principal Secretary Finance Department apprised the Chief Secretary about interactions with Principal Accountant General and schedule framed for addressing Audit Paras.
While directing the Principal Secretary Finance Department to monitor the matter, the Chief Secretary has fixed a deadline of October 31 for clearance of Audit Paras pertaining to the Financial Years 2019-20, 2021-22 and 2022-23.
In the meeting, Chief Secretary also expressed serious concern over delay in furnishing of information regarding the contracts, projects completed and back-door appointments made with effect from 2010 to 2023, sources said, adding the Chief Secretary has impressed upon all the Administrative Secretaries to have the information submitted without further delay failing which it shall be viewed adversely.
The first direction in this regard was issued on May 17, 2023 and in the official communication it was mentioned that the matter shall be treated as most urgent. A time-frame of one month was fixed in this regard. Thereafter, the direction was reiterated by Government in the middle of June and all the Administrative Secretaries were directed to ensure compliance without any further delay.