Industries facing electricity crisis

The Bari Brahmana Industries Association (BBIA) is facing an electricity crisis. It is significant to mention that despite collecting a revenue of Rs 175 crore from the Bari Brahmana Industrial Complex, the JPDCL has been unable to provide a consistent and reliable power supply as both the grid stations BB-I and BB-2 and the receiving station are erratic in maintaining power supplies. Practically, there is a concerning inconsistency between the Government’s efforts to attract new industrial investment and the challenges faced by established industrial units in Jammu and Kashmir due to the unreliable power supply from JPDCL. The inability of these established industrial units to access consistent 24×7 electricity has the potential to make their operations financially unviable, which is contradictory to the goals of industrial expansion and economic development. The concerns raised are valid, especially for industries that rely on continuous processes and cannot afford to run on diesel generators due to their high operational costs. Despite assurances from high-ranking officials within the Union Territory, the situation appears to remain unchanged, indicating a lack of effective action to address the issue.
Given the context of the JPDCL’s claims of significant upgrades in the distribution and transmission network as part of the Prime Minister’s Development Package (PMDP), the stark contrast between these claims and the reality experienced by industrial units warrants a serious investigation. The reasons for this discrepancy need to be explored to understand whether the claimed improvements have not translated into tangible benefits for these established industrial units or if there are underlying operational or organisational issues that hinder the delivery of uninterrupted power supply. The Government’s efforts to attract investment and promote industrial growth in the region should ideally involve a holistic approach that not only focuses on attracting new investors but also on sustaining the existing industrial ecosystem. Addressing the power supply issue is crucial for building investor confidence, ensuring the viability of established industries, and fostering a conducive environment for economic development.