Dr Nirmal Singh listens public grievances

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 14: Former Deputy Chief Minister, Dr. Nirmal Singh, in a public darbar held at party headquarters, Trikuta Nagar, here, today listened to the grievances of a large number of people.
The issue raised by the people were related to different departments of the Union Territory. The former Deputy Chief Minister after hearing to everyone and most of the problems narrated were, on the spot, taken up with the senior officials of the concerned departments.
A group of people from Kishtwar had a complaint that in the year 2008, work on Jhathri-Kalotra- Mori road was initiated under PMGSY and was to be completed by 2013, but still it is not completed. A retired Zonal Education Officer from Thatri narrated that his pension case is lying in the Department brought into the notice of Director Education for early disposal of case.
Dr. Nirmal Singh, on this occasion, said that the party leaders and former ministers, sitting in the party office on daily basis, are having direct interaction with the public and helping them in resolving their day-to-day problems. While the public is rushing in large number, the party leaders are putting their best efforts to ensure that relief is provided to the suffering people.
Dr. Nirmal Singh said that the BJP is not only a political party but a mission to serve the nation and its people. He said that the party cadre works on the principal of ‘nation first, party second and self last’, which makes BJP a party with a difference.
Dr. Nirmal Singh also slammed the opposition parties who have been turned issueless and misleading the people of the UT to regain the lost ground but none of them will succeed in their designs as the people have well realised that it is only BJP which works for every region and every section in a fair manner.