Independence Day celebrated with great enthusiasm, patriotic fervor across Kashmir

DDC Chairman Anantnag saluting National Flag.
DDC Chairman Anantnag saluting National Flag.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Aug 16: On 77th Independence Day, grand celebrations were held across all the districts of Kashmir with people flocking the venues of function in large numbers to celebrate the national festival.
Apart from the main function held at Bakshi Stadium Srinagar, the celebrations were held in all districts where the District Development Council (DDC) Chairman/ Chairperson hoisted the tricolour and addressed the participants.
They said that the nation is paying rich tributes to the leaders, freedom fighters and martyrs who made countless sacrifices for the freedom of the country. Glorifying their contributions, they said that it is the result of their supreme efforts that we are living in a free country.

DDC Chairperson Baramulla saluting National Flag.
DDC Chairperson Baramulla saluting National Flag.

BARAMULLA: The Chairperson, District Development Council (DDC) Safeena Beigh hoisted the Tricolor, observed the parade, and took salute at the march past presented by the contingents of J&K Police, CRPF, Home Guards, Fire and Emergency Services, NCC and students from various schools at District Police Lines Baramulla.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chairperson DDC remarked that the district Baramulla has made incredible strides in recent years and is currently at the forefront of all developmental fields. She called for joint efforts of all stakeholders in the progress of the district by utilizing their potential.
Safeena Beigh emphasized the significance of the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration for District Baramulla. While applauding the initiatives taken by UT administration for the overall development, the Chairperson expressed her gratitude to the Lieutenant Governor for creating a mechanism of accountability and transparency, making the Government system lively for offering deliverables to the people in a seamless manner.
DIG North Kashmir, Vivek Gupta; Deputy Commissioner Baramulla, Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar; SSP Baramulla, Amod Ashok Nagpure; MCB President, Umar Azhar Kakroo; DDC members, BDC Chairpersons, officers of Judicial administration, officers of Army and Police, District and Sectoral officers and Heads of Departments were present at the event.
Meanwhile, colorful cultural items and theme-based skits were also presented by students and well-known artists, adding aesthetic value to the event. At the conclusion of the function, a prize distribution ceremony was held during which various functionaries were felicitated for showing exemplary and extraordinary services in their respective fields.
ANANTNAG: Chairman, District Development Council (DDC) Anantnag, Mohammad Yousuf Gorsi hoisted the National Flag and took salute at the March Past presented by the contingents from CRPF, J&K Police, IRP, J&K Home Guards, JK Police Band, NCC, and school children at GDC Khanabal (for Boys).
Addressing the gathering, the Chairman DDC highlighted the efforts besides achievements made by the district under various priority areas including education, healthcare, languishing, district capex, agriculture and allied sectors, women and youth empowerment, MGNREGA, JJM, water and electricity supply to Anganwadi Centers and schools, rural development, macadamization and road connectivity, social welfare, Nasha Mukt Bharat, industries, self employment and creation of durable and sustainable assets.
On the occasion, colorful cultural programmes on patriotic themes were presented by students and artists of the district. The ceremony concluded with prize distribution for March past and cultural achievements. Employees from various departments were also felicitated for exemplary public service.

DDC Chairperson Ganderbal inspecting Independence Day parade.
DDC Chairperson Ganderbal inspecting Independence Day parade.

GANDERBAL: Chairperson, District Development Council (DDC) Ganderbal, Nuzhat Ishfaq hoisted the National Flag and took the salute at the March Past in a function held at Qamaria ground.
In her address, Chairperson DDC highlighted the various developmental achievements registered by district administration in different sectors in the district besides implementation of welfare schemes.
Highlighting the developmental activities in the district, she said that a new era of development has begun in Jammu and Kashmir as well as in Ganderbal district and new paths are being paved for all-round development.
While highlighting the initiatives taken, DDC Chairperson said that Rs 250 crore have been approved for the district besides, Rs 41 crore has been allocated by the Government to PRIs, BDCs and DDCs so that development works are taken as per the priority of the people. She further said that a total of 1306 works have been allotted to different departments out of which 90% of the works have been tendered and 50% funds are also released.
The function concluded with distribution of prizes among students and contingents who participated in March past and cultural programs. Several officers/officials were also felicitated who did remarkable work at various levels in the district.
The event was witnessed by Deputy Commissioner, Shyambir, Vice Chairperson DDC; Bilal Ahmad Sheikh, SSP Ganderbal, Nikhil Borkar; President Municipal Council Ganderbal, ADDC, ADC, SDM Kangan, CPO, ACR DDC members, BDC Chairpersons, Municipal Councilors besides various officers and officials from Police and District Administration.
BUDGAM: Chairman, District Development Council (DDC) Budgam, Nazir Ahmad Khan hoisted the National Flag, inspected the Parade and took salute at the March Past presented by the contingents of CRPF, JKP, IRP, JKAP, JKHG, BHSS Budgam (NCC), School Contingents of BHSS (NCC), GHS Ichigam, GHS Budgam, and band troop of Kashmir valley Budgam at Sports Stadium Budgam.
The Chairman DDC, in his address, highlighted the development works carried out by the Government in the district during the year. He said that Budgam’s target is to complete more than 8800 different types of development work this year in an attempt to give a major push to development in Budgam.
Deputy Commissioner Budgam, Akshay Labroo; SSP Budgam, Tahir Gilani; ADDC, Akramullah Tak; ADC, Dr. Nasir Ahmed; Programme Officer ICDS, Sajjad; CEO Budgam, Romana Qazi; Addl.SP, Gowhar Ahmed; officers from Army, CRPF, BSF, officers of PHE, PDD, I&FC, R&B Division Budgam and citizens from various parts of district were present on the occasion.
Various colourful cultural programs like Rouf, Ladishah, patriotic songs; Bangda, Gazal’s, skits etc. were also presented. The prizes and appreciation certificates from Police and Civil administration were also given to the best performing contingents and other civil/police employees for their commendable and meritorious public service.
PULWAMA: The main function was held at District Police Lines Pulwama, where Chairperson, District Development Council (DDC) Syed Abdul Bari Indrabi hoisted the National Flag and took salute at the March past presented by the Contingents of JKP, JKAP, CRPF 182/183, Home Guards, Fire & Emergency Services, NCC Cadets, students of various schools and Youth Services & Sports.
Highlighting developmental works undertaken in the district during the current year, the Chairperson said that Pulwama has become synonymous with Industrial growth, excellence in education and entrepreneurship adding that the District has also potential to become economically vibrant and self-sufficient in various products.
DC Pulwama, Dr Basharat Qayoom; SSP Pulwama, Mohd Yousuf; CO 182, 183 CRPF, ASP Pulwama, DDC Members of District Pulwama and other senior officers of Police/Civil administration witnessed the function.
On the occasion, numerous cultural groups, artists and students from various schools presented cultural programmes and entertained the audience by performing on various patriotic songs. The prizes were distributed among the best contingents of parade, cultural, social activists and others participants.
KULGAM: The main function was held at District Police Lines Kulgam where Chairperson, District Development Council (DDC) Mohd Afzal Parrey hoisted the national flag and took the salute at the march past presented by the contingents of CRPF, JKP, JKP Ladies Police Group, District police band and Home guard, NCC besides school children and other contingents.
In his address, the DDC Chairperson highlighted the developmental scenario of the district and achievements registered by District Administration in different sectors besides implementation of welfare schemes.
While sharing a brief of the development scenario of the district, DDC Chairperson said that during the year 2022-23, 2300 works were completed with an expenditure of 62 crore, and 2421 works will get completed under District Capex in the ongoing financial year with an estimated cost of 64 crore. Under the CSS component, several works are under progress and will come up with an estimated cost of 715 crore.
Deputy Commissioner, Dr.Bilal Mohi-Ud-Din Bhat; Principal Sessions Judge, Mohammad Ashraf; SSP, Sahil Sarangal; Commandant CRPF and officers and officials from Civil, Judiciary and police administration were present at the event.
Besides, Vice Chairperson, Shazia Jan; President Municipal Council Kulgam, Muneeb Ahmad Zargar; DDC members and PRIs also attended the function. A large number of people from various areas of the District also attended the celebrations.
On the occasion, multiple colourful, scintillating cultural programmes were also presented which enthralled the audience. Later, a prize distribution ceremony was organized in which officers, officials, sports persons, students, entrepreneurs and others were felicitated.
KUPWARA: The main function was held at District Police Lines Kupwara where Chairman, District Development Council (DDC), Kupwara, Irfan Sultan Panditpori hoisted the National Flag and took salute at the March Past presented by the contingents of JKP, IRP, CRPF, BSF, FPF, JK Police Commandos and school children.
Addressing the function, the Chairman DDC congratulated the people on the eve of Independence Day. He reiterated that Kupwara district has shown inclusive growth on all the fronts.
The Chairman while deliberating upon the overall development scenario of the district highlighted the sector wise achievements.
Vice Chairman, DDC, Haji Farooq Ahmad Mir; Deputy Commissioner Kupwara, Ayushi Sudan; SSP Kupwara, Yougal Manhas; DDC Members, BDC Chairpersons, Senior Officers of Civil administration, Police, CRPF and Army were present on the occasion. Besides, PRIs, government employees and school children, people in large numbers also attended the Independence Day celebrations.
Earlier, on their arrival the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Deputy Commissioner and SSP visited the Martyr’s Memorial and laid floral wreaths.
The tableaus of various departments showcasing their services and achievements were also displayed on the occasion. The school children presented colourful multilingual cultural programmes with patriotic taste and fanfare which were highly applauded by the audience.
At the conclusion of the function, a prize distribution ceremony was held during which the best performing tableaus, students, artists, officers of Civil and Police administration were felicitated with Mementos and Certificates of Appreciation.
SHOPIAN: The main function was held at District Police Lines (DPL) where District Development Council (DDC), Chairperson, Bilqees Jan hoisted Tricolor, inspected the parade, took salute at the March Past from contingents, including of JK Executive Police, CRPF, JKAP, Forest Protection Police & Fire & Emergency, Homeguards, NCC and student contingents from different schools.
Addressing the gathering, the DDC Chairperson underlined the need for maintaining sustained peace to realise the cherished goals of growth and development in the district to ease the life of common masses in true sense.
The Deputy Commissioner (DC), Shopian, Faz Lul Haseeb (Guest of Honour) on the occasion, SSP, Shopian, Tanushree; DDC, Vice-Chairman, Irfan Manhas; Chairman, Municipal Council, Shopian, Subhash Koul; DDC members, District/ Sectoral Officers, Police officers, para military officers, PRIs, Civil society Members, employees, children from various educational institutions and people in large numbers were also present.
Colourful, multi variety cultural programmes comprising patriotic skits and songs, folk and tribal performances and music, exhibiting rich cultural diversity of the district were presented by school children of various educational institutions and the Information Department.
The best performing march past contingents and cultural performances were awarded with mementos and cash prizes, along with felicitation of best performing officers, officials and noted influencers of the district. All other cultural performances and contingents were felicitated with consolation prizes also.
BANDIPORA: The main function was held at S.K Stadium where Chairperson, District Development Council (DDC) Bandipora, Abdul Gani Bhat hoisted the National flag and took salute at the march past presented by contingents of CRPF, JKP, JK IRP, JK Fire and Emergency, SPOs, JK Home Guard, NCC, students of various schools and JKP Band Group.
Chairperson DDC in his speech highlighted the developmental aspects of the country on various fronts. He said that during the current financial year, Rs. 63 crore have been kept in plan, out of which 1754 works have already been identified and work on 1350 works will be completed until the end of this fiscal.
He lauded the efforts of Deputy Commissioner Bandipora for assessing the situation of every block in the district by conducting block diwas and public outreach programmes and listening to the public at their doorsteps.
VC DDC, Kousar Shafeeq; Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Owais Ahmed; SSP, Lakshay Sharma; Principal, District and Sessions Judge, Bandipora; ADDC, Ali Afsar Khan; District Nodal Officer Coordination, Mohd Ashraf Hakak; ASP Bandipora, ADC, Padmashree Faisal Ali Dar, DDC Members, BDCs PRIs, senior officers from Civil administration, Judiciary, Police, Army and paramilitary and large gathering of public attended the event.
The program witnessed a presentation of various cultural events and patriotic songs depicting India’s vibrant cultural, economic, and social progress.
In the end, the felicitation ceremony for DDCs, BDCs, PRIs, Police officers, officers, and officials of various civil departments for outstanding public service delivery was also held.