China supports BRICS expansion process

Beijing, Aug 21: China supports the BRICS expansion process and welcomes the early entry of new partners into the organization, the press service of the Chinese Foreign Ministry told Sputnik on Monday.
“China has always been convinced that BRICS is an open and inclusive mechanism, Beijing supports the BRICS expansion process and welcomes the early entry into the BRICS ‘big family’ of more like-minded partners,” the ministry said ahead of the BRICS summit, which would be held in Johannesburg from August 22-24.
The Ministry also noted that China is ready to work with BRICS partners to support the work of South Africa as the chair country, jointly organize various BRICS events, “promote the qualitative development of BRICS cooperation and make greater contributions to strengthening peace, stability and prosperity in all over the world.”
The BRICS summit in Johannesburg is expected to be attended by the leaders of Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to participate in the summit via video link.
On Sunday, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said that over 20 countries had formally applied to join BRICS, while several others had expressed an interest in joining the organization.