Independence day celebrations in Valley


Our country is celebrated 77th Independence Day on 15th August . In our Union Territory arrangements were in place to celebrate this Day in a proper manner. All the districts had made adequate arrangements to celebrate the event. District administration Anantnag also made adequate arrangements for celebrating this day and prior to this day all the government employees from different departments assembled in historic stadium situated on the banks of river Jehleum. Even people from different walks of life were seen in participation of Triranga Rally that started from sports ground and marched from different roads of tthe market.
People who participated in the rally were seen feeling happy and were discussing many things related with independence day. The main theme of the discussions was that it is after a gap of three decades that such an event has been made possible Kudos to the present Government that has taken efforts by which it made possible for the common people to participate in such events. This programme was held under the banner Meri Matti Mera desh with thousands of employees and common people participating in the rally that moved through different roads of the town especially Lal chowk. Historic Lalchowk now Ghanta ghar  located in the heart of the city had a pretty look and when the rally led by Deputy Commissioner  Anantnag reached at this point women welcomed the rally by flowers and sweets. Shopkeepers and the predestrians were welcoming the mega rally. The participants were taking flag in their hands. It was a grand rally in the entire union territory in which a large number of people including employees from different departments partcipated.

Really the situation has changed tremendously and it is visible from this town of valley. Really it is a good step by the administration and one hopes  that it gives strength to the unity and diversity of the country and one becomes able to know the history of the country especially new generation and it gives opportunity to new generation to know more about the Mother land.
Mohd Amin  Mir
