Crew 7 launch to ISS with US, Russian Cosmonauts on schedule for Friday

Washington, Aug 22: The SpaceX Dragon launch of Crew 7 to the International Space Station (ISS) is on schedule for Friday, NASA and SpaceX officials told reporters after a seven hour pre-launch conference.
“It was a good review,” NASA Space Operations Mission Directorate Associate Administrator Ken Bowersox told an audio-cast press conference on Monday. “Everyone pulled ‘go’ to launch on schedule [on] Friday,”
The SpaceX Dragon mission is therefore still on schedule to launch as planned 3:49 a.m. EST on Friday morning from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, NASA officials said. The Dragon spacecraft, named Endurance, is scheduled to dock at the ISS at 2:02 am EDT Saturday morning, they said.
The Crew-7 launch will carry NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli, European Space Agency ESA) astronaut Andreas Mogensen, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA) astronaut Satoshi Furukawa and Roscosmos cosmonaut Konstantin Borisov, NASA confirmed.