Samba police arrests hardcore criminal

Excelsior Correspondent

SAMBA, Aug 25 : Under the guidance of Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Samba, Benam Tosh, police has arrested hardcore criminal “Makhan” of Marheen, Kathua in kidnapping of a minor girl and rape case of 2022 filed in Police Post, Rajpura falling under Police Station (PS) Ghagwal district Samba.
The arrested person has been identified as Makhan Din, son of Siraj Din of Khanwal, tehsil Marheen district Kathua.
The hardcore criminal “Makhan” has been arrested in case FIR No.103/2022 U/S 363,376,109 IPC & 3/4 POCSO Act of Police Station, Ghagwal district Samba. After committing crime, the accused continued to evade arrest since 2022 and police were making hectic efforts to arrest him.
The accused happens to be a notorious heroin smuggler and also involved in case FIR No.356/2023 U/S 8/21/22/29 NDPS Act registered at Police Station Kathua.
The investigation of the case is being conducted by in charge Police Post, Rajpura SI, Hardev Singh under the supervision of SHO Police Station, Ghagwal, Bharat Bhushan, DySP, Garu Ram and Addittional SP, Samba, Surinder Choudhary.
Senior Superintendent of Police Samba, Benam Tosh said that stringent action under law is being taken against hardcore criminals especially the perpetrators of crime against women, drug trafficking, bovine smuggling in Samba district and whosoever found involved is being arrested following proper processes and procedures.