DGMOs level meeting a good beginning to improve Indo-Pak relations: Mufti

Excelsior Correspondent

page1-1ARNIA, Dec 28: Emphasizing on maintaining sanctity of the ceasefire at any cost, patron of Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today said that recently held meeting of Directors General of Military Operations (DGMOs) of India and Pakistan was an appreciable step to establish lasting peace on the borders.
Addressing an impressive public meeting organised by Chatar Saini at border town of Arnia, Mufti said that DGMOs level meeting between two countries was a follow-up action of the meeting which was held between Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in the month of September this year at New York.
“The DGMOs level talks between India and Pakistan with a commitment and focus on maintain truce along the Line of Control (LoC) is a praiseworthy move”, he said and stressed on evolving a mechanism to avoid ceasefire violations and hostilities at the borders in future.
“Both the countries have realized that there is no alternative to peace”, he said while mentioning towards encouraging statements of Shahwaz Sharif , Chief Minister of Pakistani Punjab, who is also brother of Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, on strengthening Indo-Pak ties.
Terming ceasefire on borders as most significant step taken by both the countries for sustainability of peace process, he said that truce should be maintained at any cost for the safety and normality of lives of people living at the borders. “People of Jammu and Kashmir have high stakes in peace because they are the worst suffer of hostility between two neighbouring countries”, he said.
Observing that normalization of Indo-Pak relation is in the interest of both the countries, Mufti said he was confident that new Government in the country would bring the stalled dialogue process back on the rails. “Prime of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, who has been elected for five years, is ardent supporter of improvement of relations with India so I am confident that whosoever will form next Government in the country will also take some effective steps to further strengthen relations with Pakistan”, he said and argued that to emerge as economic power India has to normalize relations with Pakistan.
Reiterating that PDP, as credible regional power, would facilitate normalization of Indo-Pak relations, Mufti said that his party had already played this role successfully during its tenure in the Government.
He asserted that biggest achievements of PDP was that it has created conducive atmosphere for initiating peace process and taking the Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) to normalize relations between India and Pakistan.
He, however, regretted that during the last five years the present Government headed by National Conference has derailed the process of peace and reconciliation in the State.
Taking a dig at coalition partners for indulging into “shadow boxing” on important issues, Mufti ridiculed demand of Congress leaders to extend 73rd amendment of the Indian Constitution in Jammu and Kashmir. “Instead of publically raising such demands, Congress leaders should take such issues in the Cabinet”, he said and added that Congress was equally responsible for rampant corruption in the State.
He further said that PDP led regime in the State had set up an example of good governance in the State as first time after 1947 equal treatment was given to all areas of the State. “Before formation of PDP led regime in 2002 there was complain of discrimination with one or other regions”, he  recalled but hastened to add that his Government had laid a foundation of mutual trust and confidence among inhabitants of different regions and sub-regions of the State.
“Our Government treated all regions equally but backward and ignored regions were given special attentions”, the PDP patron said and challenged his opponent to come with any evidence of discrimination with any regions or sub-regions during his regime.
Terming people of Bishnah as visionary, he recalled that this Assembly segment was represented by political stalwarts namely Ram Pyara Saraf, Trilochan Dutt, Bhagat Chajju Ram and Babu Parmanand. He also assured to address problems raised by locals in the meeting.