
Sunday Jan 05-2014

Aries : Today, you may be stumped by some mysterious and wonderful event. That, or you may encounter an unexpected yet advantageous incident. It may not exactly be path-breaking, but it is sure to make you take stock of things. Also, you may find it difficult to meet deadlines today. Nevertheless, let people know how important your work is, says Ganesha.

Taurus : Hoist the sails and prepare to leave port. Your sugar-coated words will seal business deals with ease, predicts Ganesha. The activity and action may slow down as the day progresses. Resist the urge to get sentimental as it could lead to conflicts that will haunt you in the days to come, warns Ganesha.

Gemini : You will tend to be religiously inclined today, feels Ganesha. For this purpose, you may spend some time visiting a temple, mosque or church. You are also likely to go shopping, and chances are that this too is for a religious purpose. May God bless you, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Ganesha predicts an excellent and exceptional day for you at work. You are likely to need all your business acumen while negotiating deals. Your leadership skills are likely to come to the fore during the final stage of a deadline, be it about completing an order or launching new products and marketing them, says Ganesha.

Leo : A mixed bag of fortunes, a bittersweet pill, call it what you will, but today brings with it a lot of things packed within its 24-hour period. Ganesha foresees a hectic morning, and an even more frantic afternoon. So, respite will be a luxury for you today. If this was the bitter end of the pill, then its sweet results will be like a balm on your frayed nerves, says Ganesha. A fabulous time with your loved ones, a scrumptious dinner that is going to delight your appetite, and a sensuous evening are all in the offing.

Virgo : Ganesha feels that today may be an important turning point in your life. You will look to secure the money much required for your bright future. Relationship matters will top your priorities during the afternoon today. You may also feel the need for spirituality, so try your hand at meditation and yoga.

Libra : When you aim big, it is the small things that somehow manage to irritate you the most. Ganesha foresees you being troubled immensely by minute things today. But do not let this dampen your spirit, because today is also a day when you shall be receptive to new ideas. Allow for things to be absorbed by you today and maintain an even balance. Do that and you may produce wonderful results at work and rake in the money from various sources, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : You are likely to get overboard with your ambitions and be loud-mouthed, says Ganesha. But do not to be too forceful or severe lest you end up tarnishing your image. It is best to stay clear of conflicts in the larger scheme of things, advises Ganesha.

Sagittarius : A cheerful you, your energy level is on an all time high. Ganesha foresees that you will enrol you name for a correspondence or a part-time course. This will boost your confidence and brush up your memory as well. People who are in legal profession will have a rocking day ahead.

Capricorn : The wait for some good news may have been too long, but it will surely find its way to you today, says Ganesha. Your focus will remain fixed on work, and you may feel like you are finally starting to like your job. This, in turn, will lead you to take some well-informed decisions about your future. And if the good news comes at the right time, you will probably be saved the effort of finding a new job.

Aquarius : Today is an important day in the larger scheme of things. You may finally decide to buy a home, change your job, or marry! Sudden and unexpected profits are on the cards too. Reputation and rewards are all yours today. This acknowledgement helps you remain committed, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Today is likely to be a day of mixed fortunes, says Ganesha. While a hectic morning and a positively frantic afternoon will see you at your wits’ end, a sumptuous dinner with your sweetheart, followed by a sensuous evening, will delight you out of your mind.