Catering to industrial need

Existing 53 Industrial Estates is too insignificant a number to be counted for a big State like Jammu and Kashmir. Addition of proposed 18 new Industrial Estates in all the three regions is very insignificant addition though even addition of a single estate is welcome. We have in these columns very often said with earnestness that the real panacea for removing unemployment among the educated youth in the State is its industrialization.  Policy planners should accept that they have delayed State’s industrialization progromme for too long a time. What should have been done half a century ago, if undertaken now even though with all sincere purpose, may not have that impact. Nevertheless, better late than never goes the saying. As such we welcome the decision of the government to work towards establishment of 18 more Industrial Establishments for which land has been acquired. Now that a decision has been taken, the Government should not waste any time in initiating work on approved industries. These must become viable and functional and should not meet the fate of defunct industries in public sector which had to be shut down after stark failure.