SC dismisses 2 petitions in Justice Ganguly case

NEW DELHI, Jan 6: The Supreme Court today dismissed  two petitions for and against retired Supreme Court judge  Justice A K Ganguly who is facing allegations of sexually harrasing a law intern.

A bench comprising Chief Justice P Sathasivam and  Justice Ranjan Gogoi dismissed both the petitions as premature and ruled that law will take its own course and this court was not inclined to entertain the petitions.

Dr M Padma Narayan Singh in her petition had prayed t  the apex court to drop all the proceedings against Justice Ganguly while the other petitioner sought independent investigations into the allegations of sexual harassment.

There are reports that Justice Ganguly may step down as Chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC) in order to avoid Presidential reference.

If Justice Ganguly resigns from WBHRC then the reference  shall be ineffectual.

Justice Ganguly has already resigned as guest professor of National University of Judicial Sciences (NUJS).

Till now Justice Ganguly has been resisting demand fo  his resignation as WBHRC chief and has been denying all the allegations made by the intern.

Justice Ganguly alongwith retired SC judge G S Singhvi had cancelled all 122 2G licenses in February 2012.

A three-judge fact-finding committee set up by the Chief Justice had indicted Justice Ganguly in November last year  for unwelcome behaviour. (UNI)