Lecturers’ Forum discusses SED circular, pitches for regularisation

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU/ SRINAGAR, Oct 3: A UT level meet of All JK Plus-2 Lecturers’ Forum was held on virtual mode which was attended by Pardeep Singh Rakwal, president Jammu Division and Shakeel Ahmed, president Kashmir Division under the chairmanship of RS Salathia, Chairman of the Forum.
The main issue that was discussed was regularisation of I/C Lecturers without further delay as this is a long pending issue which needs immediate attention of Principal Secretary School Education Department (SED), Alok Kumar. It was resolved that no fresh promotions of Masters/ Teachers to I/C Lecturers would be done until regularisation is brought to its logical end.
Two committees at Divisional ievel were constituted to study the Circular No.05- JK/ Edu of 2023 dated 27.09.2023 issued by Department of School Education and prepare a draft for filing objections to the Govt on behalf of the Lecturers’ Forum for consideration.
The Jammu Division Committee would be headed by Pardeep Koul, District president Kishtwar with Gh Nabi Malik (Legal Advisor), Kamal Lal, Ghar Singh and Ramesh Kumar Padroo as its members.
Kashmir Division Committe would be headed by Syed Tariq with Rayees Abdullah, Shabir Ahmed,Showkat Zarger & Malik Younis as its members. The two committees would submit their drafts within shortest possible time so that joint objections on behalf of the Forum are filed to the Education Department within time frame.
The speakers urged the School Education Department to come up with a dedicated link for submission of objections to the said Circular by all stakeholders.
Pardeep Singh Rakwal said that regularisation of I/C Lecturers is the first issue which the SED should address without any delay. He also said that the proposed creation of posts of Vice Principals should be done with providing monetary benefits which can be atleast two advance increments in their favour coupled with creation of these posts over and above the sanctioned posts of Lecturers/ Sr Lecturers so that issue of subject lecturers is resolved.
Shakeel Ahmed pleaded for regularisation of all I/C Lecturers immediately to bring an end to the miseries of these officers who are wholeheartedly discharging their duties for years together and showing good results. He said that he has met Principal Secretary a number of times and he has assured him of regularising I/C lecturers shortly.
RS Salathia, Chairman backed the demands raised by the two Divisional heads. He expressed gratitude to the Principal Secretary School Education Department, Alok Kumar for considering and including in the circular the demand of the Forum namely creation of posts of Vice Principals. Salathia said that the forum was pitching for this demand which the Govt has almost conceded. District heads and many other senior members of the body also spoke on the occasion.