Position of women

There was a time when women used to enjoy dignified and supreme position as for as religious and social norms were concerned. The women folk who constitute nearly 50 percent of our population should have complete freedom to move here and there fearlessly.
No doubt  women have forayed into every field like science, technology, governance etc so much so that she excels man in so many fields. It is simply because she has been endowned by God with so many qualities such as sobriety, humility, patience, co-operative nature, organizing capacity and above all tolerance. There are certain fields of achievement where she has surpassed man. Though the administration brags of having strict rules for protection of women but the ground reality is something quite different. The Tehlka case, Snoop gate case, retired Supreme court judge case are some of cases which act as eye openers as to how the women folk are treated.
Yours etc….
Dwarika Nath Raina
H. No. 131 Upper Muthi, Jammu