Norwegian author Jon Fosse wins the Nobel Prize in literature

STOCKHOLM, Oct 5: The Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded to Norwegian author Jon Fosse for “his innovative plays and prose, which give voice to the unsayable,” according to the Swedish Academy.
Mats Malm, permanent secretary of the academy, announced the prize Thursday in Stockholm.
The Nobel Prizes carry a cash award of 11 million Swedish kronor ($1 million) from a bequest left by their creator, Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. Winners also receive an 18-carat gold medal and diploma at the award ceremonies in December.
Last year, French author Annie Ernaux won the prize for what the prize-giving Swedish Academy called “the courage and clinical acuity” of books rooted in her small-town background in the Normandy region of northwest France.
Ernaux was just the 17th woman among the 119 Nobel literature laureates. The literature prize has long faced criticism that it is too focused on European and North American writers, as well as too male-dominated.
In 2018, the award was postponed after sex abuse allegations rocked the Swedish Academy, which names the Nobel literature committee, and sparked an exodus of members. The academy revamped itself but faced more criticism for giving the 2019 award to Austria’s Peter Handke, who has been called an apologist for Serbian war crimes. (AP)