Vice-President inaugurates NCC Republic Day camp 2014

NEW DELHI, Jan 7: Vice-President Mohd Hamid Ansari today lauded the National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets for their emergency relief and humanitarian assistance to the people in distress during the devastating floods of Uttarakhand, last year.
Inaugurating the NCC Republic Day Camp 2014 here, Dr Ansari said the NCC had undertaken laudable initiatives for socio-economic welfare for citizens on important issues such as adult education and health care.
NCC programmes for combating social evils such as drug abuse, gender discrimination, dowry and corruption and its efforts for environmental conservation and protection were commendable, Dr Ansari said.
The Vice-President complimented the efforts of NCC, the largest uniformed organisation in grooming the youth of the country and its contribution towards ‘Nation Building’.
“NCC was the vanguard of all activities of our youth helping to channelise their energies to a creative force in order to usher in social changes through spectrum of activities. The NCC cadets should avail their training and turn out to be more responsible and empowered citizens.
Earlier, the Vice-President was received by the Director General NCC, Lt Gen Aniruddha Chakravarty.
A contingent of smartly turned out NCC cadets drawn from all the three wings of Army, Navy and Air Force, presented a ‘Guard of Honour’ to the Vice-President on his arrival.
This was followed by a Band Display presented by NCC cadets from Scindia School Gwalior and North Eastern Region.
The Vice-President also visited the Flag Area where he listened to the young cadets briefing about their respective States and appreciated the various social themes displayed in the Flag Areas prepared by them.
This year, 2070 Cadets including 702 girl cadets drawn from 17 NCC Directorates covering all the States and Union Territories of the Country are participating in this camp which will culminate on the Prime Minister’s Rally on January 28 2014.
The cadets attending the camp will be participating in a number of activities like Cultural Programme, National Integration Awareness and Institutional Training Competitions. (UNI)