Unwarranted interference

India’s recent address to the United Nations General Assembly has brought to the forefront several critical issues concerning Pakistan’s actions, particularly in the context of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). These concerns warrant international attention and intervention.
First and foremost, India has rightly called upon Pakistan to cease cross-border terrorism and dismantle terror infrastructure. For too long, Pakistan has provided shelter to international proscribed terrorists, including those responsible for the devastating Mumbai terror attacks. Justice for the victims of these heinous acts remains elusive even after 15 years.
India’s demand for Pakistan to vacate the Indian territory under its illegal occupation, notably Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), reaffirms the inalienable right of the people residing in PoJK to self-determination. Recent uprisings in PoJK signify the longing for development and peace under Indian governance.
Moreover, India’s assertion that J&K and Ladakh are integral parts of the nation underscores its unwavering commitment to territorial integrity. These are internal matters, and Pakistan’s interference is unwarranted. Additionally, India has highlighted Pakistan’s own dire human rights record, particularly its systemic violence against religious minorities. The recent burning of Churches and houses of Christians in Faisalabad district is a glaring example.
It is essential for Pakistan to address these concerns and put its own house in order before making baseless accusations against India. The international community should support India’s call for peace, justice, and human rights in Jammu and Kashmir and hold Pakistan accountable for its actions.
Nazir Choudhary