Debate on caste census

While recognizing the historical complexities and challenges associated with the caste system in India, I believe that such a census is a step in the wrong direction.
Caste-based discrimination and social stratification remain pressing issues in contemporary India, despite significant efforts to dismantle the formal caste system through legal means. However, pushing for a caste census is a retrogressive move that risks reinforcing caste sentiments among our youth. It is imperative that our political parties prioritize the unity and development of our nation over divisive agendas.
Instead of perpetuating historical wrongs and furthering caste-based divisions, our leaders should focus on conducting a comprehensive census that evaluates the educational and professional profiles of our citizens. This approach can identify and address the true barriers to our nation’s progress and development. We should strive for a society where Government support is provided based on financial status rather than caste lines.
In a world where developed nations have long moved past caste hierarchies, let us aspire to a future where our political discourse centres on the development and prosperity of our nation, rather than divisive factors like caste and religion. It is only through such forward-thinking policies that we can truly work towards making India a developed and united nation.
Amit Kumar