Discrimination with Jammu

This has reference to the news item’Jammu badly discriminated in declaration of backward villages’ DE Jan 4 DE  Jan, 2014. This is not for the first time that discrimination has been done with Jammu Province. Instances of discrimination have started from the day, Government of Jammu & Kashmir came into existence after Maharaja Hari Singh acceeded to India. Thereafter one  discrimination is followed by another.
The non-inclusion of some villages in the Backward villages list from Jammu region is not only disappointing but also quite disturbing. Besides, one area in Jammu region which has got maximum representation reveals the discriminatory attitude of the authorities who have framed the list. More disappointing is the fact that Jammu leadership has not voiced its concern over the issue.
The inclusion should have been made uniformly throughout the region. The villages that have been dropped are equally backward as  those that have been included. It is expected that necessary corrections are made in the list.
Yours etc…..
Amit Sharma
Nanak Nagar