AAP’s referendum in Kashmir

“Seek public consent while deploying army for internal security duties, pull out army if people in the valley want and hold referendum for continuation of AFSPA in Kashmir”, said Prashant Bhushan, an intellectual face and co-convenor of Aam Admi Party in  televised interviews to national  channels. He reiterated referendum in J&K, at least for AFSPA and presence of the Army in the Valley, if not for political status. This has created a sensational storm in the polity because it effects national security and public safety.
While seeking trust vote in Delhi Assembly, Chief Minister Arvind  Kejriwal stated that he is not seeking trust vote for his party but for the people who through referendum compelled him to form the govt. He said that referendums should be held everywhere, in South, North East and J&K as well. In the same breath he said, to him a shelter-less, khokhe-wala, chahe-wala, riksha-wala and all those who are honest workers or businessmen are aam admi. He did not reckon soldiers and  security personnel as aam admi. Since he was referring to the written notes, security forces seem to be intentionally left out. After this Prashant Bhushan raked up AFSPA and referendum in the valley, It may be recalled that Prashant Bhushan had made news earlier by saying that if people of Kashmir want to secede, India should hold the referendum, for which he was assaulted as well.
This is what Pakistan, Jehdi Tanzeems, Taliban, ISI, and the secessionists want and hence the statement is reprehensible. While washing hands off his colleague’s statement, Kejriwal still emphasised that as a principle the will of the people must prevail in such matters otherwise democracy will be in peril. This reflects party’s insensitivity to security issues and exhibits immaturity of leadership.
The message is clear that, so far very popular, AAP’s line of thinking on militancy in Kashmir & Naxalism in various parts of India is not in consonance with national thinking. Does it consider security forces as organ of democratic governance in India or not; needs to be clarified. AAP leadership should rethink its stand on army’s presence in the valley. Such statements demoralise the security forces.
Yours etc………
Col J P Singh, Retd, Gandhinagar