National ambition

It is no sin to nurse an ambition. It is ambition only that makes things move.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) which recently came to power in Delhi has started working on national level. However, one would like to caution the Aap that it is not easy to go national. Instead of frittering away the goodwill of people, the party  should focus entirely on the capital city and live by  all promises that it has made with the public.
They should consolidate their position first, gain full confidence of people  and then go on national objectives. People have not yet tested their performance. If they fail to achieve what they have embarked on,  they will fall like a pack of cards – never to rise again. People have given them a chance. They should not make good use of this opportunity  and  create a viable option in the country that earn respect and confidence of people who are a dissatisfied lot.
Yours  etc…
Shiv K Sharma



AAP, by its recent views on national issues, has shown that it is too young to  take on the reins of the nation. Our country is varied in culture, in political ideologies, has been riddled with terrorist and secessionist activities, has regional parties indulging in vote-bank politics, and has cross-culture migrations across the country, etc. Referendum cannot, therefore, be a solution to our problems. Many countries elsewhere whose size is much smaller than Mumbai city can have different type of Governments. Our problems are different which are compounded by some unfriendly neighours. AAP has a long way to go before it can think of entering the national stream.
Let AAP prove its credential by effectively governing Delhi for five years, by implementing the 17 points that Kejriwal has listed, by initiating action against the alleged corrupt practices of Sheila Dixit, Suresh Kalmadi and others, by ending the water-mafia raj in Delhi, etc. Governing and governance are easier said than done. The way AAP is manoeuvering itself, Mulayam may prove right in observing that the ‘bubble of AAP will burst very soon’.
Yours etc….
Harischandra Parshuram