Kashmir centric parties never allowed democracy to flourish in J&K: BJP

BJP leaders listening public grievances at Jammu on Thursday.
BJP leaders listening public grievances at Jammu on Thursday.

Sham Sharma, Chander Mohan listen public grievances

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 12: “The so-called all party dharna was a flop show. There was no participation by all the parties in this Dharna and the leaders like Farooq Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti remained absent in the dharna. The reason may be that the dharna was organized at Maharaja Hari Singh Ji Park, as the Kashmir centric political parties still do not respect the great Dogra ruler; they opted to remain away from this venue”, said Sham Lal Sharma.
It reflects that those who ousted the Maharaja from J&K their mindset about him has not still changed during all these years. The Maharaja was a great reformer, visionary, a revolutionary and a patriotic ruler to forcefully establish the idea of free India in first Indian Round Table Conference held in London, he added.
He said Maharaja joined the whole of Jammu & Kashmir including the areas that are now under illegal occupation of Pakistan and China due to the blunders of these political parties.
Sham Sharma further questioned, “What kind of democracy these parties had been advocating? Fact is that they never allowed democracy to flourish in Jammu & Kashmir. PRIs and Local Bodies were not in place for years together. They murdered democracy at every step and now they are shedding crocodile tears!”
BJP vice-president and former Minister, Sham Lal Sharma, alongwith vice-president and former Mayor, Chander Mohan Gupta, secretary, Vikas Choudhary and Swachh Bharat, Abhiyaan in charge, Dil Bahadur Singh Jamwal, was listening to the grievances of people during weekly public darbar at party Headquarter, Jammu,.
Chander Mohan Gupta, speaking on the occasion, maintained that BJP has always worked on the principle of ‘nation first, party second and self last’ and has delivered on the promises it made with the masses. He said that these parties misused the power for their own benefits and betrayed the masses on every occasion and once again. They are hatching conspiracy for their own explicit interests.
Vikas Choudhary said that the BJP works for the people for 365 days in a year and with no hidden agenda, it believes that public service is the ultimate motto of the party.
Dil Bahadur Singh Jamwal said that the BJP leaders took up every issue of the visiting deputations with the concerned department officials for early disposals.