No difference between the Congress and BJP

PATNA, Mar 28: CPI(M) General Secretary Prakash Karat today said there was no difference between the Congress and the BJP as far as corruption was concerned.

“There is no difference between the Congress and the BJP as far as corruption is concerned. Both are the progenitors and advocates of neo-liberal policies,” Karat alleged at the inaugural session of the 21st CPI congress here.

“If the Congress-led Government cannot live down the infamy of the 2g spectrum scandal, the BJP cannot escape the responsibility for the loot of the mining resources under its Government in Karnataka,” he said, adding that the rampant corruption being experienced was spawned by a big business-politician-bureaucrat nexus.

He said that the deepening agrarian crisis, suicides by farmers, exploitation of the working class, exploitation of natural resources through corrupt methods, and levels of hunger and malnutrition should shame any civilised society.