Modi reoriented India’s response to Pak: Dr Jitendra

Union MoS in PMO Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a function at Samba on Friday.
Union MoS in PMO Dr Jitendra Singh addressing a function at Samba on Friday.

‘Path breaking decisions for martyrs’ welfare’

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Oct 27: Union Minister of State in PMO with independent charge of Science & Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh today said that India’s attitude changed since PM Narendra Modi took over charge in 2014, first the surgical strikes by Indian Army in September 2016 and later the Balakote air strikes by IAF in February 2019 sent a clear signal across the border that terrorist attacks sponsored from across the border will be sternly dealt with.
The Minister was talking to reporters on the sidelines of inauguration of Shaheed Gate, in the memory of Martyr Col Narayan Singh at Samba today.

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He said Modi gave concept of surgical strikes and our forces hit enemy in its territory.
He said with this decisive action infiltration and internal disruptive forces were contained. He said there is no stone pelting in Kashmir nor strikes are taking place now.
This can be gauged from the fact that over one crore tourists visited Valley last year, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh also made a scathing attack on previous Congress and NC Governments for discriminating with border people for vote bank politics. He said they deprived people on International Border (IB) while granting four percent reservation to people on Line of Control (LoC) only for vote bank politics. This was a grave injustice with IB people, he added.
He said Modi Government not only ended this discrimination by granting four percent reservation to people on IB but took revolutionary measures for welfare of border people and its development
The Union Minister said bridges and roads were constructed up to Zero Line. Bunkers were constructed in entire border belt. Earlier in the event of border firing from across, people had to take shelter in Panchayat Ghars, schools and houses of their relatives.
He said Col.Narain Singh Samark is a great tribute to this martyr close to Accession Day and martyrdom day of Brig. Rajinder Singh. Col Narain Singh laid down his life three days prior to Brig Rajinder Singh attained martyrdom on October 27 in 1947, the Minister added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said though welfare decisions for people of border areas and armed forces should have been taken much earlier perhaps it was will of God who wanted Narendra Modi to perform this good work.
The Minister said not only one rank one pension but many revolutionary decisions were taken for betterment of Armed and paramilitary forces by Modi Government.
Dr Jitendra Singh said there is a decline in the cross-border firing incidents along the LoC and International Border and violence is also down in the Union Territory of J&K during the last nine years, especially in the four years since Article 370 was revoked in August 2019. But the sporadic firing incidents in the recent days and continuing infiltration bids across the LoC prove that we cannot lower the guard against mischief from Pakistan and territories under its illegal occupation.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has taken several path breaking decisions for martyrs’ welfare over the last nine years and unlike the earlier Governments, the Government headed by him is deeply sensitive and concerned about the welfare of Armed Forces, martyrs and their families.
“No other Government has come out with so many benefits and welfare measures to take care of the families of martyrs as initiated in the last more than nine years by Modi Government,” he said.
“Though the loss of a precious life is irreparable to the family and the nation, the Government is very sensitive to the welfare of the families of the martyrs and bears this responsibility with extreme care and concern,” said Dr Jitendra Singh.
The Union Minister said the Government provides an ex-gratia payment of Rs. 25 to 45 Lakh to the next of kin of the martyred soldiers.