VP urges people to believe in judicial system

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar addressing the members of faculty and students of Cotton University in Guwahati on Monday. (UNI)
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar addressing the members of faculty and students of Cotton University in Guwahati on Monday. (UNI)

GUWAHATI, Oct 30: Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Monday urged people to believe in the country’s judicial system rather than hitting the streets when faced with legal issues.
He said the country’s governance mechanism has been “sanitised and power brokers neutralised.”
Speaking at a programme at Cotton University here during a day-long visit, Dhankhar said, “There are some people who hit the streets whenever they receive a summons from the judiciary or probe agencies.
“We have a robust judicial system, why don’t we avail it? Our courts have performed wonderfully,” he said.
The vice-president said corruption has been weeded out from the system under the current regime.
“I have seen times when it was thought that law cannot reach some people, brokers were everywhere and corruption was rampant. But these times are now over.
“There was a time when our power corridors and governing system were infested with power brokers and corrupt elements. These corridors have now been sanitised and brokers neutralised,” he added.
Claiming that common citizens and students stand to gain the most from the current situation, he urged the youth to contribute to nation building in all spheres. Stating that India’s growth story has not gone down well with some sections, Dhankhar called upon students to defeat such forces.
“Bharat’s voice is on top globally now but it is not suiting many. It is our duty to neutralise anti-Bharat narratives,” he added.
Mentioning the concept of ‘economic nationalism’ floated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Dhankhar said it was necessary for the country’s economic growth.
He said the slogan ‘vocal for local’ is a step towards this end and appealed to traders and businessmen to contribute to it by focusing on promoting local products.
Dhankhar said India’s G20 presidency had presented the country’s rich heritage and potential before the world.
He said the use of lotus in the G20 logo, which was ‘found indigestible’ by some sections, found wide acceptability among global leaders.
“The lotus is now global and not limited to the frontiers of our country. An ecosystem is being developed around the lotus,” he said, adding that the G20 theme ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’ drawn from ancient scriptures has also garnered much praise.
The vice-president emphasised on the role of the youth in taking the country to new heights and exhorted them to realise their potential.
“Education is the most transformative mechanism to combat inequalities. If everyone can have good education, everything will fall into place,” he said, highlighting the role of educational institutions. (PTI)
He said the new education policy will help to empower students.
Dhankhar said when a country or a state is witnessing growth, it also faces challenges. He urged all to sail through together and not be bogged down by forces that try to pull the nation down.
Responding to questions from students, the vice-president urged them not to be obsessed with achievements.
“I want development of students to be like a river that impacts the ecology in a positive manner. Students must not be like a canal that is drawn on paper by experts with targeted benefits,” he added. (PTI)