Adventure Tourism in Pir Panchal Region

K D Maini
Pir Panchal Region is one of the most glamorous nature blessed tracks of J&K. This area comprises snowy peaks, series of mountain ranges, thick forest belt of pine, fur, devdar and boj patra trees.
The Forest area is full of wild life, like Musk deer, Markhors, leopards, rare species of attractive birds whispering and flying from one tree to another, multicolour flowers, gushing streams, crystal clear lakes, Dhoks (cluster of kachha houses in the center of Jungle), mergs (Lush Green Meadows) above 10000ft with grassy turf full of small flowers like Sanjivni, Rattan Jyot and Neel Raj, scattered houses on the slopes of mountains, Phari and Tribal life style, rich cultural heritage of the people, smart, stout and healthy race of Gujjar, Bakarwals, Paharis and Pahalas (Kashmiri Shepherds). These factors are favorable for adventure lover tourists, climbers, hikers and ideal for expeditions through peaks passes leading towards Kashmir Valley.
The area between Chenab and Jhelum rivers in the south of Pir Panchal starts from Banihal pass and goes upto Divargali Sawjjian (excluding the area of this region in POK) is generally known as Pir Panchal region.Tatakutti is the highest peak in the center of this region. The altitude of this peak is 15524 ft above the sea level.From Tatakutti top, the chain of mountain moves towards Noorpur pass (13436 Ft), Chor Panchal Pass (14370 Ft), Jammian Pass (13430 Ft) and Devargali (12260FT) in the western side. These passes are leading from Loran and Sawjjian towards Tangmarg, Yous Marg, and Aharbal Fall apart from Gulmarg. The Markhor Sanctuary is located in this track between Tatakutti to Chor Pass while the attractive valley of Loran and Glen of Sawjjian are located in the southern side of this range of mountain. These passes are suitable for adventure tourism which ultimately connects Gulmarg the world famous tourist resort and other areas of Kashmir valley. No efforts have so far been made to exploit these passes for trackers, climbers and nature lovers.
From Galimadan Gaggrrian Poonch upto Chor Pass and Chor Pass to Gulmarg is a famous route for tracking Pir Panchal. This is one day foot journey through Galimadan, Uripura, Rangwar, famous Sarimastan Dhok, Chor Panchal Pass via Burzitar meadow and Firozpur Nallah upto Gulmarg. Similarly from Dana Loran a bridle path is leading towards Noorpur pass (13436 Ft) via Batalkote, Issianwali, Tungawali, Daranwali Dhok towards Arizal, Aharbal and Tangmarg Kashmir. Another route from Loran is leading towards Sultan Pathri, Nandichool waterfall, Jammian pass which reach Tangmarg in Kashmir valley. Presently these bridle paths are linking the people residing in the southern side of Pir Panchal with Kashmir valley. Presently only cattle grazers, shepherds, bakarwals and pahari people are travelling through these routes. Unfortunately no efforts have been made by Tourism Department to encourage adventure tourism and trips through these routes and passes which are directly linking Gulmarg, Yous Marg, Tangmarg, Aharbal waterfall in Kashmir valley. Only two bedded tourist Bungalow at Loran cannot meet out the requirement of hikers and trackers for such expeditions.
Basic facilities for the adventure tourists between Loran valley and Sawjjian Glen upto Tangmarg have not been worked out by Tourism Department. Firstly there is a need of proper tourist map indicating routes, lovely spots, meadows, Markhor Sancturies, peaks for climbing, dhoks for relaxing while travelling from Loran Sawjjian upto Gulmarg and Yous Marg. Secondly Tourism Department may have list of experienced route passers and guides who shall accompany the trackers during expeditions. There is also a need of widening and smoothening bridle paths leading towards passes, construction of viewing decks and shelter sheds near the passes. The department may also enroll Ponywallas for the convenience of adventure tourists. Since there is no hotel, dhabas or other eatable facilities on these routes leading towards passes, therefore before encouraging adventure tourism via Chor Panchal Pass, Jammian Pass, Noorpur pass and Chotti Gali Pass, the department has to work out some arrangements for the need of tourist. Since the Tribal and pahari families are residing in Dhoks and Mergs during summer season and have surplus milk and mutton, therefore interested person of these families can be identified and motivated for arrangement of tea, khawa, milk products and maize breads in tented accommodations in Dhoks and Mergs alongside the routes leading towards passes for the convenience of trackers, hikers and climbers so that they may not face any problems during their journey. There shall also be a need of shelter sheds on these routes upto passes to prevent the adventure tourist from abrupt snowfall or torrential rain on these heights. Finally it is also essential to create tourist Inns at base camp Galimadan Sawjjian and Batalkote Loran with tourist kits, shoes, jackets, and packed eatables on the pattern of such spots as in Kashmir valley. These facilities shall not only encourage the tourist, trackers and climbers but also create economic opportunities for the local tribal and pahari people and open the doors of development in these neglected areas apart from attracting the youth of twin border districts of Rajouri-Poonch for adventure tourism.
Apart from tracking important, peaks, the Tatakutti Top (15524 Ft), the highest in Pir Panchal Range is waiting for the climbers. This Peak was once climbed by a foreign tracker Erenest F Neve on 9th Aug 1910. Similarly other peaks for climbing like Ganga Choti, Chor Panchal Peak and Noorpur Peaks are also suitable for such expeditions. There is a need of tourist Inn at Kallai (Marrah) and Shelter sheds at Hillkaka and Tatakutti Merg only then climbers can be attracted for such expeditions.
In the eastern side of Tatakutti, the passes like Chotigali (12210 Ft) in Surankote area, Nandansar Pass in Girjjan area and Sedhu Pass in Budhal area open towards Kashmir valley via Shopian. Between Nandansar and Rattanpir Pass, famous Girjjan valley and Panjtarni Margs (10300 Ft) exists. There are 27 lakes in this area on the altitude of above 11000 ft out of which 7 lakes like Nandansar, Chandansar, Baghsar, Neelsar, Sukhsar, Katorasar (Source of Poonch region) and Akal Dachaniare located in this track. These natural scenic spots, lakes and mountains like KagAlhan Peak are suitable for adventure tourism.